"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose it's meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity".                   (Carl Jung)

   Phenomenal. A genius. A historian who enjoyed the classics. A philosopher who narrated historical events like they were happening in the present. A historian like no other. The Father of the Great Man Theory. After writing the French Revolution, Thomas Carlyle thought he had arrived only to be hit with the bad news that all his works,all his writings, all his dedicated and committed research has been used to start fire in the fire place. John Stuart Mill's maid's carelessness cost a man two and a half years project. Thomas raged,he went mad,he lost it,he gave up in fact,he decided not to write again. But one day a stone mason was rebuilding a collapsed house. Day after day he worked on the  house until it was completed. Thomas was watching by the window as this collapsed house was being erected until it became a magnificent edifice. Then he reasoned within himself; if a collapsed building can be rebuilt, what stops me from rewriting my project. That rebuilt house became a source of his motivation. Thomas Carlyle went back to writing. He rewrote the French Revolution and it became his finest work.

   What have you given up on today? Get up on your feet and fight back because you still can. No matter how tough the journey is,you can fight through it. The road to success is always under construction. Ask those at the top of the ladder,its never an easy road. It is said"when the going gets tough the tough gets going and when the tough gets going only the toughest survives ". 

   The road to affluence has never been an easy route. No matter how hard it gets,no matter how tough it becomes,no matter how blocked the road is,keep your head up,stick your chest out and fight through it. There is nothing you can't handle. It is never late until you are late. There is no shortcut to success.


 Have life tossed you around like a ship without a compass? You have tried different types of business and failed. You started your own company and it collapsed even before it began. You were duped your entire savings by fraudsters. You travelled outside your home with the hope of coming back a success instead, you came back with nothing,you came back empty handed,the worst part of it is people especially your family and friends tagged you a failure. You ventured into politics and never won any election. You failed as a student. You failed in your career. You were sacked by your boss because of a mini mistake that could be overlooked. You even failed in your relationship. You failed to provide for your family as a Father and for that reason your marriage shattered. You failed at love and your heart is broken. You feel like giving up not just on your dreams but on life. You are now tired of this life,all you think of now is how to put an end to your miserable life. Nothing excites you anymore. Your children are now a disturbance, your wife a bore,your business uninteresting and your work tiring. You've given up on all your dreams hopes and aspirations, you are now tired of this event called Life. You've given in to regrets,rejection, dejection, worry and failure. All that is in your head now is how to put an end to your fucked up life.

   Chill. Calm down. Breath in and relax. It is not over until it is over.

The final whistle have not yet been blown. You are never late until you are late. Be patient. Be  resolute in your decision to make it in life. I know it is in your plans to become a better person,a source of inspiration to others and a helping hand to the less privileged and the down trodden. And I tell you of a truth, You Still Can. Try, try again, try again, try again and again and again and again and again. Never give up on your dreams. Trying does not guarantee success but you can never achieve success if you don't try. I wish I could take the pains away. If you can make it through the night there is a brighter day. Everything would be all right if you hold on. Its a struggle everyday you gotta roll on. Be prepared for the worst. Pain is a part of the game. There's gonna be some stuff you gonna see, some challenges you gonna face that's gonna make it hard for you to smile, but through whatever you face or see or hear or feel, through all the rain and the pain, you gotta keep your sense of humour, you gotta be able to smile through all the bullshit. You know why; because You are still precious, You are special and You still can. Don't let the pressure make you panic and when you get stranded and things didn't go the way you planned it, always do your best.

   Though life is hard, against all odds if you believe you can achieve. For as it is being quoted by the  Great Napoleon Hill "whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve". Keep ya head up. And always remember" winners never quit and quitters never win".

                               YOU  STILL  CAN.


  1. wow this is a very wonderful information i found it very useful and i won't hesitate to share

  2. Thanks,we are not given up.we still can having some, problem am leading a big Network without a Cent and appointed in world of achievers without niks. So as I compare myself and those ones,I see a big gap to me and that world.cause I found ourselves in a fanacial problem as we are raited on a top positions.we controbute through any kind of such , but nothing happens. and we are coming from different parts of the world we experienced different life conditions .So without fanacial Independent I don't think that there will be changes👍

  3. Thank you for this piece. It's like fire shut up in my bones. No small dreams here!


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