"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" (Edmund Burke)
     That's one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me that it's not enough to have lofty ideas, ideals and beliefs, it's not enough to wish for a better and prosperous life and you shouldn't even wish that life should be easier or loftier, you sometimes have to actually get off the couch and defend those lofty wishes,ideas and beliefs of yours.
The world have collapsed,call it sin,call it evil,they all connote the same meaning. Men of different caliber both good and bad have passed through this existence. Though some tried,no one can truly exonerate evil from this world. But for evil to subside good men must fight.
     Every reward has a price. The price of greatness is sacrifice. It's almost certain "the good die young" why, because they have reluctantly refused to fight evil therefore,the triumph of evil is inevitable. Good men rise and fall like the winter wheat but so does the malevolent. If men like Adolf Hitler were ignored,one could easily fathom what our world would look like today. Hitler had a dream, but his was a destructive dream. He wanted to control,he wanted power,he wanted to rule the world but thanks to the gods there were good men of character like Sir Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Great Britain and His Excellency Dr Franklin Roosevelt President of the United States of America who opposed Hitler's drunk mission. The rest became history. It is only necessary for evil to triumph if good men do nothing. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine have been for months because good men have refused to intervene and if proper precautions are not taken the crisis will surely escalate. The war might usher in a third world war featuring nuclear and atomic bombs which might eventually destroy planet earth. Therefore,it is pertinent for me to say "Good men must voice out and intervene in other to save the world as they've always done".
     The preacher once said" Good people don't go to heaven only saved people". He forgot: in other for the saved man to be liberated the good man must fight on his behalf. Heaven would have collapsed if it didn't have good angels to fight off the devil and his legion of demons. Be it in heaven or here on earth,in other for there to be peace from war,good from evil:good men must fight. It is what it is.


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