(The trust of the innocent is the liars most useful tool)
         Betrayal is good,it makes you wake from your slumber believing you can achieve whatever goal you set for yourself, by yourself. But the bad side is,it turns your heart cold.
         Pain is good,it makes you stand on your feet believing you can survive any damn bend that life sends your way. The bad side is, you would find it difficult to smile again.
         Heartbreak is good,it makes you realize that this life is not always a bed of roses. All that glitters are not gold. Sleeping through your tears you would never allow yourself be used again. The bad side is,you will find it difficult trusting someone again. Not trusting too much is also good but the truth is it turns your heart cold and when your life turns cold you become lonely.
       Most times what life throws at us are things we never anticipated. Do not trust too much for people wake up with different feelings everyday. A friend today might turn out your worst enemy tomorrow. Remember Tupac Shakur and the Notorious Big.
There was this story of a man and his best friend. This man married exactly the same time with his best friend. In less than two years his friend's marriage shattered. His friend divorced his wife. This man sympathized with his best friend and told him not to worry that God will provide another woman who would love him sincerely. The friend told him that that wouldn't be necessary that all women are the same. The friend told him that his wife might divorce him too. This man said that was impossible that he trusted his wife and his wife loved him so much. The friend said no problem then lets test her and see if she truly loves you. The man believing and convinced to the core that his wife loved him so much agreed. What's the test the man asked. The best friend said,I will arrange for my boys to kidnap you and your wife,they would give a gun with no bullet to your wife and ask her to shoot you,if she shoots the unloaded gun then you know she doesn't love you but if she refuses to shoot,I will give you 5million naira. This innocent man agreed. The table was set,the test was arranged and they were kidnapped by his best friend's boys. They gave the gun to this man's wife as planned and told her to shoot her husband. She pulled the trigger and this man was lying next to her dead. It turned out that the man's friend told his boys to give the man's wife a loaded gun and when she pulled the trigger, the bullet hit the man's forehead and he died. He trusted his best friend not knowing that his socalled best friend was not happy that he was having a blissful marriage. That was how he lost his life. He died trusting his best friend. Trust Nobody.
       Do not expect much from anybody, people tend to have this natural phenomenon of breaking promises. Only expect your dreams and aspirations to come to realization. What should matter to you most is the accomplishment of your dreams because sooner or latter this life will shatter. The sun will set and you with it. Never lose your faith and hope for one day you will realize that it were these (faith and hope) that brought you to where you are today. Only those with the strongest of faith tend to materialize their dreams. I speak out of experience. Life is harsh. It doesn't care. If you think life cares,move into the wilderness and see how well you survive most of us won't even last up to a week. It's a wicked world only the strong survive. Life is unfair be unfair back. Life will never be fair. Nobody cares,no one gives a damn. The earlier you realize that the better for you.
     Trust nobody even the Devil was once a beautiful Angel and his demons too were once sons of God. The fallen angels. Trust nobody. First they love you, then they hate you,then they love you again. This game's a circle that never ends. When you're up everything is everything, everyone wants to come around,show you love and give you daps,swear they're down. Then you're down and they're no where to be found. Hide and seek friends. Hide when you're broke,seek when you're eating,that's the shit I don't like. Fair weathered motherfuckers, I know they're not bulit for the bad weather that's why I don't expect them to walk through success door soon. We all love to win and hate to lose that's why you gotta be careful who you let close to you. Trust is the easiest thing to break and the hardest to gain. Watch what you do and say,careful who you let into your life, you can't please everybody that's the hardest thing to do,so do your best, please the ones you can,the ones who loves you for you.
        I trust nobody to seek a greater good with trivial lies because I cannot trust myself to know the difference. Trust is gained in drops and lost in buckets. I am giving you jewels use them as tools. Hustle for the papers for money rules the world. Make money not friends.


  1. Yes indeed trust is an expensive game

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Trust is fragile; once broken, it's a lesson learned that sometimes, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself."


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