
Showing posts from July, 2023


The street is filled with touts and lone souls Where rage and blood go hand in hand  Where souls are lost and lives are doomed Where mayhems emerge and blood overflows Just like the river We forgot our deals and turned off the reasons Till the products were sold The street is full of bruises  And your heart turns cold.


"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts".                              (Nikki Giovanni)       I've heard and read stories about men who faced adversity and turned their test into testimony, their pains into gain, men who went fearlessly from grass to grace, men who never succumbed to the dreaded beast called worry , men who lived without regrets for the mistakes they made in the past, men who were able to stand the test of time and conquered inferiority without flinching, whining and complaining, men who never made nor took excuses but went straight and head long into their work without looking sideways until victory was assured, men who turned themselves from victims to victors.  Some call them real men, majority call them self made men, most call them Great men, but I call them Fearless men. For without courage can no man attain greatness. In my little experience and knowledge of life, I've come to realize that all men wants


Worse comes to worst. Dangling through life's mystery even before history's history. Man's tragic living has been before the ages and science claimed they were apes. The truth is man has never known peace even from the beginning when the angels fought the demons, and the Archangel fought the Devil. He was thrown down to earth, they glorified God and their chants; Woe unto Man. The Devil lives with Man. From the counting of stones to the invention of computers, man's travail has been without an end. Misery. Maybe he was cursed. But who would deliver? Who would come to his rescue? The unending wars implies that the end of man is imminent. Only God can save the course of man. I have no idea with what weapons the third world war would be fought with but I know that the fourth world war would be fought with sticks and stones. Where are the scientists, the engineers, the inventors, the astronauts, they are all gone from the hell of the third world war. Deadly weap


Do you believe in your dreams? Would you work towards your goals? You do have a mission If you would but work towards a vision Immersed by a driven ambition To unleash your full potential Beyond the horizon.


Would I live to see the next year? With what I passed through the previous year With a hazy vision I never thought I'd make it to the present year On a shady mission I move Because God has cursed me to see what life should be like I progress and retrogress and still my vision's blurred I am dying to live when I am just living to die Is there still hope for me?


       A chance in power. The highest authorized democratic authority in Nigeria. An ambitious man even in old age. So ambitious to the extent of going any length just to get what he wants. Age is just a number. Never underestimate anyone and like they say excellence is not an act but a habit. From a taxi driver back then in the US to the Governor of Lagos State and now holding the highest office in Nigeria dear Mr President. Never stop dreaming. The sky really belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.       Though it's barely one month since you took over from the previous government and I can still say it's been a hell of a month. From subsidy removal to hike in fuel price and electricity, to the students loan and drivers #1000 annual payment of ownership of vehicle. Shit is really getting real in your newest administration dear Mr President. Though you've promised, the truth is we are tired of promises not being fulfilled and our needs and w


"The man dies in all who keeps silent in the face of tyranny" (Wole Soyinka). A history of power, injustice and terror. When men in power abused their essence. Men who saw even their own followers as enemies and could unleash the gravest terror on anyone/group who opposed them. Heartless men who would see a crying baby and instead of cuddling crushes to death. Men without remorse who could go the longest length in acquisition for power just to maim, intimidate, humiliate and deny people their right to humanity. Kings who ruled without empathy and sympathy for those they led. Mortals who provoked wars and watch innocent men die for them. Men who got hold of anything they wanted and hijacked others possession without remorse.  They trusted not even themselves.   The overlords who portrayed themselves as gods without end, who magnified their powerful existence by suppressing those under them. Tyrants oppress both poor and rich, old and young. They are an epitome of w


   "If you want to build a nation,kill the tribe" (Steve Biko).        Ranging from the sun to the uttermost part of the earth, racism and tribalism have been a hook in the neck of the Blackman. Subjugate treatment, slavery and suffering faced by these race  bleeds the heart. Welcome to Nigeria. Peace is the answer. How would there be peace when the government have blatantly refused/failed to take proper precautions in their dealings with the masses. Why being one-sided? Why favouring one tribe over the others? What are your intentions? What do you expect? Peace? The Biafra and Oduduwa agitations were birthed under the auspices of marginalization faced by these tribes. Though the agitation for a separate Nation of Biafra has been for decades, it worsened under President Muhammadu Buhari's regime(tribal discrimination).Apart from the bloodshed caused by tribal,ethnic, religious and political crises,the poor attitude of security agencies has caused the country t