Worse comes to worst. Dangling through life's mystery even before history's history. Man's tragic living has been before the ages and science claimed they were apes. The truth is man has never known peace even from the beginning when the angels fought the demons, and the Archangel fought the Devil. He was thrown down to earth, they glorified God and their chants; Woe unto Man. The Devil lives with Man. From the counting of stones to the invention of computers, man's travail has been without an end. Misery. Maybe he was cursed. But who would deliver? Who would come to his rescue? The unending wars implies that the end of man is imminent. Only God can save the course of man. I have no idea with what weapons the third world war would be fought with but I know that the fourth world war would be fought with sticks and stones. Where are the scientists, the engineers, the inventors, the astronauts, they are all gone from the hell of the third world war. Deadly weapons they produced consumed them and now they are nowhere to be found. Sticks and stones because no man would be willing to produce destructive weapons again that would put an end to humanity and it's entirety.The Whites imposed hard labor on the Blacks. They called them slaves. The Blacks were chained and pulled from their land to another man's domain: the demigods who acclaimed all knowledge and power to themselves. But are the Whites without suffering? Do they live in peace? Have they known peace? All men are equal in the sight of God.
Man's tragedy began from the dawn of creation. God chased them out and it befits all men both black and white in total. In all harmony, even the wild beasts of the forest detest man who has vented his anger on the creatures of the jungle. Are we to be blamed for their misfortune, the beasts fought back. They brought these upon themselves. Man is proud, arrogant and disobedient, why shouldn't misfortune befall him.To what end do we toil, when will the sufferings end and the pains inflicted upon by our own self. Is there truly an end to life's misery? Maybe from worse to worst, through the misery it came to pass. Maybe beyond the horizon. Afterlife. Where there shall be no suffering found but joy everlasting.
I wish to pass through the door where only peace prevails. I want to walk down the aisle where nothing but love conquers. Can I pass through the gates where happiness endures. Open ye the gates, but who would let me in. Who would take my hands and walk with me to the other side, across the ocean, beyond the horizon, where life's misery, suffering, pain, to the mount where life's hurdles are no more.      The travails of man.
     The hard labor, toil and suffering. Before he eats he must work. He brought these upon himself. They said we should keep on fighting in the end we will triumph.
Religion dispatched it's riders to the ends of the earth and still violence and suffering prevail. Preach peace in the city O ye saints yet it wasn't to be. Peace is far from man. Could it be true that all the misery will end once you are dead. Christians claim otherwise, they said "after death comes judgement". What about the other religious affiliations that were composed with the false notion of leading man back to the ways of God, they said "Man has lost his way, it is our duty to transform man and return him back to paradise. 
Religion too have failed. Most of the major crisis we experience today sprouts out from religious criticisms. Christians are better than Muslims, Muslims are much better compared to Buddhists and so on and so forth.
Only God can save the course of man. Come let us reason together, let us experiment and seek out ways to make life easier and better for us. Let us make our world a better place to live in. Science came to the rescue. They took it upon themselves by engaging in scientific experiments in order to invent equipments that will make life more easier for man. Upon all the scientific experiments and inventions, the travails of man still lingers. Even if eventually man manages to defeat hardships and sufferings, wars and misery: sicknesses and diseases will still hang his clothes on the line for all to see. Truly man is nothing.
Just pray and seek for your creator, whatever it is you believe in to protect and guide you and not to allow you encounter what is bigger than you. Maybe there are no ends to life's sufferings and misery. Looks like man was indeed cursed because in all; the travails of man still prevails.


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