A chance in power. The highest authorized democratic authority in Nigeria. An ambitious man even in old age. So ambitious to the extent of going any length just to get what he wants. Age is just a number. Never underestimate anyone and like they say excellence is not an act but a habit.
From a taxi driver back then in the US to the Governor of Lagos State and now holding the highest office in Nigeria dear Mr President. Never stop dreaming. The sky really belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
     Though it's barely one month since you took over from the previous government and I can still say it's been a hell of a month. From subsidy removal to hike in fuel price and electricity, to the students loan and drivers #1000 annual payment of ownership of vehicle. Shit is really getting real in your newest administration dear Mr President. Though you've promised, the truth is we are tired of promises not being fulfilled and our needs and wants not being met. The increase in fuel price has really been a bone in the neck for we average Nigerians. I wonder how you would remove subsidy without any plans for we your subjects. We're still counting on you to help our ugly situation.
Trust the process? We all know that this process and baby steps will always take time and maybe might not even materialize. Transport fare has tripled in many states and it looks like nothing will be done to reduce it because of the petrol price increase.
     One of the major blows and headache in your predecessor's administration was the issue of marginalization. Tribal discrimination. Having every Hausa/Fulani politically positioned in his cabinet of members. You have towed the same line dear Mr President. Because the Igbos didn't vote for you isn't enough a reason to bear grudges against them as to not politically appoint them in your administration. Main reason why it's called democracy; people can vote and support any candidate of their choice. And should a leader because a particular tribe didn't vote for him decides to ignore the tribe to subjugal sufferings, inhumane treatment and marginalization is what I call judgemental leadership. It doesn't suit the democratic system of governing. For God's sake a leader shouldn't be bias. A leader is like a small god he should be just and fair. Equal opportunity for all. There will always be conflicts, protests and riots when a leader decides to ignore or marginalize a particular tribe in his nation. Any nation that practices favouritism, tribalism and nepotism can never know peace.
     The increase in prices of goods and services has plunge every average Nigerian into a mediocre level. Our naira has no market value again. Dear Mr President, we are on our kneels pleading for you to remember the youths both graduates and undergraduates who are jobless. Once there are job opportunities, the rate of crime will gradually reduce over time.
Insecurity is another pain in the ass affecting our dear nation. The rate at which people are kidnapped, raped, killed and tortured at alarming rates is so appalling. Religious workers are being slaughtered like goats by armed men. The Fulani herdsmen have taken it upon themselves to eliminate every living thing residing in this country. I implore you our dear able bodied President His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu to please look into their matter and put an end to their atrocious lifestyle so that every true Nigerian can breathe in peace. What about the bandits, they should be put in a place where they belong: Hell. Never you negotiate with them, it could be your worst nightmare.
And don't forget all eyes are on you to create a significant and lasting solution to every problem we are experiencing in this nation. We believe in you our dear President and we believe you will deliver.
                                       Your's Sincerely,
                            Grant Nwakanma Okezie.


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