"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts".
                             (Nikki Giovanni)

      I've heard and read stories about men who faced adversity and turned their test into testimony, their pains into gain, men who went fearlessly from grass to grace, men who never succumbed to the dreaded beast called worry, men who lived without regrets for the mistakes they made in the past, men who were able to stand the test of time and conquered inferiority without flinching, whining and complaining, men who never made nor took excuses but went straight and head long into their work without looking sideways until victory was assured, men who turned themselves from victims to victors. Some call them real men, majority call them self made men, most call them Great men, but I call them Fearless men. For without courage can no man attain greatness.
In my little experience and knowledge of life, I've come to realize that all men wants to succeed but now I understand that no man can succeed without patience and persistence. In my little research, I've come to understand that these self made and Great men are nothing but people with character simplifying into patience, persistence, hardwork, perseverance, courage, hope, dedication, industry and effort. Many a men were born into wealth but just few made themselves.
     This is a prayer I want everyone and anyone who comes across this piece of shit to pray with me "Let the spirits that be for my unconquerable and indomitable soul teach me patience that I may be able to live, to see and to enjoy the fruits of my hard but long labour".
Beyond my quiet and calm spirit. Beyond the excesses of my quiet life. Beyond the impunity of my soul lies regrets, pains, sorrows, tears, loneliness, fear, bitterness, confusion, anger, hatred, suicide, mistakes and failures. 
Who would have believed that that little Grant of yesterday would wake up one day, carry his bag and on his way to an unknown Town. The problem is not even with the journey and I know I have not reached my destination or my wits end, but the problem is with the impatience that cost me a lot of opportunities laid out to me from the Being and Spirits that be for my unconquerable Soul. How I wish and had I known will now come in at last.
Beyond my fearless and formidable Soul, I ask myself unafraid and unapologetically: Will I Still Make It. Many a men with great potentials and talents have all their lives lived with regret because of unavoidable mistakes that plague mankind. Truth be told, some mistakes are unavoidable, mistakes that are meant to happen not to pull us down but for us to learn and become more experienced in the affairs of this show called Life. If I can recall, Edison made a lot of mistakes but do you know why he became so great that for over a century of his death he is still remembered? He did not allow his mistakes and failures to pin him down. That's why it is said, do not allow your background to pin your back to the ground.
      Mistakes are those little faults or errors that we make not just to fail but for us to learn and garner more wisdom out of life. If mistakes are taken out from this world I believe everyone would be happy, the world will now be a better place to live in. But truth be told, even if there are no mistakes in this life some people will still complain. Let's take for example everyone is rich and wealthy that means everyone is powerful, then tell me who would wash your cars, can you hire a wealthy man to clean your garden, if we live in a perfect world the Doctors and the Nurses who would they treat, who would want to be a mechanic especially in our own part of the world (Africa), that simply means everyone would be powerful and believe me no wealthy man can stoop so low to service another man no matter the kind of money he has acquired. And then everyone would get tired, all the things you are supposed to hire people to do, you do them yourself and soonest complaints would commence again. So you see, mistakes have come to stay. Mistakes must be made for you to know your calling, mistakes must be made for you to try again, mistakes must be made for you to sit down and think out the next step or direction to take, mistakes are meant to happen.
A mistake is an error, a goof, a slip-up. When you make a mistake you've done something incorrectly. Mistake has a lot of uses, but they all have to do with doing the wrong thing. A mistake in maths class will result in the wrong answer, but a mistake with a gun could get someone killed. If you mix up two people, you're mistaking one for the other. When you make a mistake the best thing to do is admit and make up for it; not apologizing for a mistake is another mistake. You just have to admit that mistakes are meant to happen unless the world will transform to a perfect class.
Taking just an outer view at men who have made great fortunes and name for themselves without looking deep or researching about their lives, how they started to how they attained greatness will tantamount to wanting it now. The only difference between you and that Billionaire is time. Give your hustles time. If you are willing to put in a huge amount of effort towards your goals and to give it all it takes coupled with a lot of time, I guarantee you success is yours. It is never too late until you are late.
"Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow".


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