
Showing posts from November, 2023


"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose it's meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity".(Carl Jung).      In a beautiful village, there was a family of four. A husband, a wife, a son and a daughter. They moved to the city for starting a business, with little savings and some financial help from his close circle, he opened a shop. On the first day of opening the shop, there were no customers. And the first week there were no customers. Even after a month there were no customers. During this difficult times, the family didn't lose hope. Everyday the man woke up early, his wife prepared food early, he opened his shop early and closed his shop late. They were having one meal per day. But they never gave up. After close to two months, they had their first customer. With quality service to the first customer and through word of mout


Permit me to start with the ancient proverb " when two elephants fight, the grass suffers". It's a powerful and poignant African proverb. When powerful forces go to war, it's their people who get hurt. Those who never asked for the conflict in the first place are caught and killed in the crossfire. This ancient proverb of the Kikuyu people, a tribal group in Kenya, Africa, is as true today as when the words were first spoken thousands of years ago. It's essence it's simplicity: when the large fight, it's the small who suffer most. When leaders fight it is their followers who suffer. Leaders proclaim war anytime they feel like because they know they are protected and won't be the ones to draw the sword. They won't be the ones to carry the guns and exchange bullets with the common enemy. I even wonder why their houses aren't a target. Even the families of these leaders are protected and flown abroad to avoid them being caught up in th


Hallelujah chant They are chanting Mama I made it Through the misery It came to pass I pursued without looking I fought without flinching I raced without turning I rose without whining The hills I climbed were without season But the birds were there to witness The Eagle chanted  It is done And the jungle echoed So be it I pulled the strings out I squeezed their balls I went for the stars But I landed on the moon I came I saw I conquered.


      Life seems to be difficult for those who only believe in their negativity. Life is simple only if you would stop complaining and whining and focus only on what you were meant to be. Like they say, "the weak get trampled upon by the brave" but this century is no longer Rome and the time of Alexander has passed. Time changes everything and puts all things in it's place. To go nowhere you have to sink in the past because going nowhere means making no progress. In order for you to make progress there are certain characters you must exhibit, certain attitudes you must portray. But we are not here for that. I am here to outline and to explain certain behaviours men exhibit that will keep them stagnant for life. If you wish to make any progress, if you wish to go somewhere, if you want to leap above your mates, then you must avoid these attitudes at all cost. 1) PROCRASTINATION       There was this story of a man who died a poor wretched man becaus


A reason to live Who would give Like a lone wolf in search of a companion Let them know I passed through this existence And who would deliver me From the clutches of my own fate Weary in the morning Teary in the evening  A sadist I became My life is like a jigsaw puzzle With several pieces missing  Me and my broken heart A heart torn to pieces From the deafening sounds of the wavering Ocean Beneath the hide of the blowing wind Don't cry  It seems the rain will never let up I'll try to keep my head up.