"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose it's meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity".(Carl Jung).

     In a beautiful village, there was a family of four. A husband, a wife, a son and a daughter. They moved to the city for starting a business, with little savings and some financial help from his close circle, he opened a shop.
On the first day of opening the shop, there were no customers. And the first week there were no customers. Even after a month there were no customers. During this difficult times, the family didn't lose hope. Everyday the man woke up early, his wife prepared food early, he opened his shop early and closed his shop late. They were having one meal per day. But they never gave up.
After close to two months, they had their first customer. With quality service to the first customer and through word of mouth, he started receiving more customers to his shop. And it was no looking back for him after his first customer. Now it's been 20 years since he started. His business has grown big and now has multiple branches across the city. His son and daughter also started managing his business. Still everyday the man wakes up early, the lady now cooks for both her husband and her children. Open their shop early and close their shop late.
           They never gave up.

     Time can test your patience but you should never let yourself down. Have that never give up attitude and have patience, you will definitely succeed. With patience you can achieve anything in your life. Everything needs time, you cannot expect fruit from the day you plant a seed. Wait for your fruit, it will definitely taste good.
Many lives have been lost on the quest for money and power. Everybody wants it now, we no longer have the patience to wait for our turn in anything pertaining to life.
It is said "An impatient man dies untimely but mysteriously too". 
     I know of a man with his wife who were childless for 5 years, but having waited that long they could wait no more, quarrels and hatred set in between them. The man began to batter his wife mercilessly and the woman in turn would fight back looking for the nearest weapon to defend herself. And then one day she couldn't take it no more and decided to quit the marriage. She filed for a divorce and they went their separate ways.
In the downtown through the subway, there lived a man with his wife having been childless for 15 years sticked to themselves, honouring their words through thick and thin, in the badtimes and good times loved each other dearly. The husband a man of patience believing God for his word waited for his time, patiently, loving and cherishing his wife all the way. Though he faced criticisms from family and friends, he still believed God for a miracle. In the 15th year, in the 7th month of the year, his wife conceived of triplets full of life and vigour.
"Patience is bitter but it's fruit is sweet".
     Patience is the quality of waiting calmly without complaining. An example of patience is someone standing peacefully in a very long line. The state, quality or fact of being patient. The will or ability to wait or endure without complaint. Patience is often used to describe a person's attitude when interacting with someone else. A child learning how to ride a bike and falls over and over again but still picks himself up and keeps trying is a perfect example of patience.
Patience provides clarity. When we are impatient and solely concerned on getting to our futures, we consequently miss out on our present. Patience allows us to enjoy ourselves in real time. It gives us a deeper appreciation for what we have in the now. Patience means not getting put out when things don't turn out as we wish. Look at Job, look at Abraham and then look at Jacob. An old proverb says "patience is the remedy for all troubles". The best remedy for hard times is patience. Patience stifles anger, sweetens the temper and subdues pride. Patience bridles the tongue so that it shall not speak in anger and holds back the hand from striking in wrath. Patience makes us humble in prosperity and cheerful in adversity. Patience comforts the poor and restrains the rich. Patience is a good virtue, but make sure you are patiently doing and waiting for the right thing.
     A Chinese bamboo tree is another good example of patience. A farmer who plants a bamboo tree will have to wait patiently for five to six years before he can start reaping the rewards. On the contrary, this dynamic tree after being planted five or six years before springs out to a height of 90 feet in just about six weeks. The question now is did the bamboo tree grow in six years or six weeks? The truth is, the bamboo tree used the six years to grow inwards i.e the root of the tree, laying a firm foundation for it to spring out to that dynamic height in just about six weeks interval.
Athletes are good example of this mysterious tree. The best athletes spend most of their time training for a competition that might not even last up to two months, take for example racers. A 100m racer trains vigorously everyday for just a race of few minutes. They deprive themselves sleep in order to become champions in their respective sports. A boxer trains fiercely, vigorously and religiously in order for him to become a master in his field. Does a boxing match last up to two hours? Yet these people consume most of their time on the training ground.
What does this imply? In order for you to become a master in your field, you have to patiently train, read and work your way up the highest bidder.

"Success comes when opportunity meets preparation".

"Success is no accident. It is hardwork, perseverance, patience, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all love for what you're doing or learning to do".

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hardwork ".


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