Sometimes I sit and ponder what there is to this life. Or is it just in my nation? Though no country is totally free from corruption but ours seems like the worst.

   A country tagged one of the most corrupted countries in the world. A country where the good ones perish and the bad ones don't just survive but flourish. A country where terrorists, bandits and killers are being petted while innocent civilians are being ruled with an iron fist.

   A country where our soldiers can't stand and combat with criminals and killers but derive joy in killing those they were meant to protect. A country whose soldiers designated to shield and protect their so-called nation drop their arms and flee from Unknown Gun Men while turning around to harass,maim,intimidate, bully and kill Unarmed Men.

   A nation where bandits kidnap students few kilometers away from a barrack. Just like we say in my dialect "Onye ulo ya n'agba oku anaghi achu oke" (He whose house is on fire does not chase rats). But our country is being ruled and governed by a leader who travels for summits and meetings while his country is on fire. A leader who blames his failures on his predecessors. A country whose its politicians travel abroad for medical checkups and treatment while having dilapidated hospitals and medical centres at home. A country whose leaders dash money in the name of ransom to bandits. May God forbid bad thing.

   A country where bandits, killers,hired assassins and terrorists are not afraid to attack its military structures, where unknown gunmen overruns its military base. A country where its so-called Intelligence Agencies and Ministries can't proffer a lasting solution to the disasters and infernos ravaging its nation. A clueless Intelligence Department. Of a truth,whether good or bad " There was a country ". A country whose its Governors still and hide palliatives meant for citizens in order to carry out their political ambition.

                                        What A Country.

   A country where a combined personnel of soldiers, Navies, Air force men, Police, DSS and all the paramilitary personnel joined together clampdown on innocent citizens protesting for their rights while forgiving and recruiting terrorists into the military. A country where the cost of living increased while the standard of living decreased. A nation where the President can't come out to address the people he claims he leads. A nation where no one knows till this day who ordered the shooting of unarmed protesters at Lekki toll gate,the same people that voted them (leaders) into office. Hmmm.

                                           What A Country.

   A country whose its President sits tight in his corner and watch as his kinsmen slaughter and massacre people in their ancestral homes. A nation that will soon become extinct if the right precautions are not taken I mean RIGHT NOW. A country where a cleric interacts with both the Government and terrorists serving as an intermediary between them. They know themselves.

   A section/tribe of this country has risen its new flag high seeking to secede from it(the country) and become a new nation,a nation of its own because of the inhumane killings, injustice and marginalization it faces from this country. Another tribe of this country has also followed suit and dared to raise their own flag because another tribe of the country known as Fulani herdsmen have vowed to wipe away their generation while the so-called leaders have done little to nothing about it. Why won't my South East brethren believe the President is impersonated. Let them spread the love because the hate they gave little infants fucks everybody. I sincerely advice that our leaders do what is right,take proper precautions and redress their steps while the day is still very bright before this country becomes HISTORY.

                                      WHAT A COUNTRY.


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