
Showing posts from February, 2023


    Sometimes I sit and ponder, I wonder if am day dreaming or solving a puzzle. Blackout, boom, a city is down,I hear voices, women crying,children wailing, men lamenting, people dead.     Still wondering, like in a trance, I hear different voices,women rejoicing, children playing,men jubilating; Nigerian politicians are celebrating while their citizens are mourning.    Could this be true,herdsmen are still slaughtering people in their ancestral homes,bandits are now operating in broad day light, for more than two decades Bokoharam are still in existence, unknown gunmen are now the talk of the day, yet we have government officials and politicians that are propagandering for post while their country is on fire. Who would save us? Over the years, I've come to realize that Nigerian politicians would rather see their citizens in chains than lose their political or rather selfish ambitions. After all their children are not in the country, their families are in states or countries bette


    "Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose it's meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity".                   (Carl Jung)    Phenomenal. A genius. A historian who enjoyed the classics. A philosopher who narrated historical events like they were happening in the present. A historian like no other. The Father of the Great Man Theory. After writing the French Revolution, Thomas Carlyle thought he had arrived only to be hit with the bad news that all his works,all his writings, all his dedicated and committed research has been used to start fire in the fire place. John Stuart Mill's maid's carelessness cost a man two and a half years project. Thomas raged,he went mad,he lost it,he gave up in fact,he decided not to write again. But one day a stone mason was rebuilding a collapsed house. Day after day he worked on the  house un


    "United we stand;divided we fall" is an old adage familiar to every living being on planet earth. The Greeks united and fought together to defeat the great city of Troy. Coming from an Igbo extraction, I believe the Igbos can possibly achieve any feat they set for themselves if they can but reason together. It is true that for over six decades, no Nigerian President has ever emerged from the Igbo tribe but, are my Igbo brethren ready to pay the price of togetherness in order to achieve their aim? Are we willing to pay the price of oneness just to actualize our dreams? Can we keep our selfishness, ego and I before others mentality aside even if its for the mean time in order to accomplish our desired goal?    With a population of over 80million,what could be impossible for us to achieve? The Presidential seat is not and can never be meant for one tribe alone lest every tribe would go their separate ways. That we are clamouring to have our own sit on the seat of power is no


   Amalgamation. A country created by mere mortals, whose laws were formulated by strangers, the same strangers bringing people with  diverse value systems together, forming them into an entity calling them one. How would there be peace and harmony when that oneness have not been allowed to take it's full course? Reminiscing. Do we still have a history when the only thing we can remember are nothing but wars,religious crisis,tribal conflicts, killings, bomb last,death,genocides upon genocides, favouritism, one tribe favoured over the others. How would there be peace?    It is quite unfortunate that we are living under the same roof with our enemies. I mean we are wining and dining with our foes. The same people we called our brothers since we are under one nation. Dr. Obadiah Mailafia(late) former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) before his tragic demise said that a Bokoharam member told him that the dreaded Bokoharam group was being led and headed by a Northern