"United we stand;divided we fall" is an old adage familiar to every living being on planet earth. The Greeks united and fought together to defeat the great city of Troy. Coming from an Igbo extraction, I believe the Igbos can possibly achieve any feat they set for themselves if they can but reason together. It is true that for over six decades, no Nigerian President has ever emerged from the Igbo tribe but, are my Igbo brethren ready to pay the price of togetherness in order to achieve their aim? Are we willing to pay the price of oneness just to actualize our dreams? Can we keep our selfishness, ego and I before others mentality aside even if its for the mean time in order to accomplish our desired goal?

   With a population of over 80million,what could be impossible for us to achieve? The Presidential seat is not and can never be meant for one tribe alone lest every tribe would go their separate ways. That we are clamouring to have our own sit on the seat of power is no abomination. Since it has been enshrined in the constitution that power be rotated, then what stops the North from giving honour to whom honour is due? That we are also clamouring for our own nation is because we are being marginalised and treated like outcast in a country we all fought to uphold. If the Northern leaders really think that they were horn to rule and that no other tribe should lead this Nation, then let the country divide. Let every tribe go their separate ways. Let them rule themselves and we would gladly govern ourselves.

   We as the Igbos altogether can identify just one person we will vote for. That there has never been an executive President of Igbo extraction does create the misleading impression that the Igbo lacks what it takes to lead Nigeria, a country that has never been led by the best brains the country has. It is for this reason that there is a growing agitation that the Igbo be allowed to produce the next President. But as many as have argued,that such process would not happen without the strategic input of Igbo politicians in particular and Ndigbo in general. The convention (which one hopes would end when the Igbo have had their opportunity at the presidency) that power rotates between the North and South still has to be respected by Nigerians. The Igbos can conscientiously via a consensus select a leader from their part and give him all the necessary backing and support he requires. His Excellency Sir Peter Obi is already the Igbo man in the arena. Let us support and vote for him. The ball is now in the court of the igbos, I pray they play it well. Let us rise and fight for our right. We cannot be treated as second class citizens in a country our forefathers fought to uphold.

   Let us come together, let us reason together, let us fight together. Let the Igbos at home and in diaspora come together reason together and and fight together just to achieve this one course;the seat of power 2023. Like I said earlier, if we can unite together nothing can stop us. Permit me to rest my case with this acronym.

   Together Everyone Achieves More(TEAM).


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