Amalgamation. A country created by mere mortals, whose laws were formulated by strangers, the same strangers bringing people with  diverse value systems together, forming them into an entity calling them one. How would there be peace and harmony when that oneness have not been allowed to take it's full course? Reminiscing. Do we still have a history when the only thing we can remember are nothing but wars,religious crisis,tribal conflicts, killings, bomb last,death,genocides upon genocides, favouritism, one tribe favoured over the others. How would there be peace?

   It is quite unfortunate that we are living under the same roof with our enemies. I mean we are wining and dining with our foes. The same people we called our brothers since we are under one nation. Dr. Obadiah Mailafia(late) former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) before his tragic demise said that a Bokoharam member told him that the dreaded Bokoharam group was being led and headed by a Northern Governor. A terrorist organization being headed by a Governor who swore to protect his people,that means we are in direct contact with our enemies. Well,its no longer a breaking news. The truth is,we are having live chat,eating,drinking and laughing with our enemies. Who will rescue us?

   The most reasonable question to ask now is:What have been done? What measures have the President and his cabinet members taken in order to bring these sponsors of terrorism to book? Or is the Presidency also involved? Instead of finding ways to bring a lasting solution to our problems, they are busy negotiating with terrorists. Who does that? The DSS are hobnobbing with the bandits and are also very busy arresting those who are outspoken and bold enough to say the truth,those who are not afraid to voice out their opinions on the issues and crisis ravaging our beloved country. Being called one of the most corrupt and terrorised countries in the world is a slap to the face of the Giant of Africa. Since we've discovered those causing havoc in our midst,those killing innocent men women and children without remorse,those bombing churches, mosques,schools,etc,those kidnapping school children in their numbers,those destroying government properties and burning government offices(buildings),those attacking police stations while burning stations,barracks and killing our force men at will,since we've identified their sponsors and they are right here in our midst chatting and laughing with us,what stops the Presidency from swinging into full blown action in order to arrest and prosecute these wicked men before it becomes too late. Or has it?

    It is obvious we are playing with fire. It is said"strike the Shepherd and the sheep will scatter ". I sincerely believe that if the personified bandit heads,owners or sponsors of this treacherous and dastardly acts are tracked down and brought to book,these banditry terrorism and unknown gunmen of a thing will eventually become a thing of the past. Since we know our enemies not only by their faces but also by their names and most auspiciously they are right here with us,I mean in our midst,I mean amongst us,it is very easy to track them down,detain and prosecute them.

   The Presidency and all the Government heads should take proper adjudicated precautions. They should search for the black goat while the sky is still very bright. They should do what I believe they know they should do now there is still time before terrorism and corruption overwhelms this Great Country.

                  I REST MY CASE.


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