Sometimes I sit and ponder, I wonder if am day dreaming or solving a puzzle. Blackout, boom, a city is down,I hear voices, women crying,children wailing, men lamenting, people dead.

    Still wondering, like in a trance, I hear different voices,women rejoicing, children playing,men jubilating; Nigerian politicians are celebrating while their citizens are mourning.

   Could this be true,herdsmen are still slaughtering people in their ancestral homes,bandits are now operating in broad day light, for more than two decades Bokoharam are still in existence, unknown gunmen are now the talk of the day, yet we have government officials and politicians that are propagandering for post while their country is on fire. Who would save us? Over the years, I've come to realize that Nigerian politicians would rather see their citizens in chains than lose their political or rather selfish ambitions. After all their children are not in the country, their families are in states or countries bettered or rather made habitable by their fellow politicians(foreign) who care well enough to take care of their citizens. I ask again who would rescue us? It is quite unfortunate that our Fathers who are in political positions do not care about us, their conscience is seared to the extent that they see us roaming in the streets jobless and hungry while they drive about in their exotic and expensive cars. And I will ask one more time who would deliver us?

   Isn't it obvious that these men don't care about us, they rather see us locked up. I don't blame them,I blame the system that placed them on top. Old men who won't give the younger ones a chance to prove their worth instead,they would deploy all the soldiers, policemen, DSS,EFCC,all the security wings both military and paramilitary personnel to clamp down,harm and even kill these innocent youths while the real tragedies (terrorists) are perambulating bushes even streets and main roads freely and unharmed.

Wisdom is no longer with the Elders. They want a rebellion against the system. The system is broken, it needs reshuffling, it needs rebuilding, it needs rejigging. The President isn't even listening to the plights of the jobless youths instead he tagged them "Lazy". My young Nation rest, the Lord would protect you,respect due. Be your own man, have your own plans and follow no man. Our lives began to end the day we chose to become silent about the things that matter. Memories of past times,lining up like school children all in the name of voting for these old men who do not care about our wellbeing. Well election is around the corner and they've all started making their flimsy and empty promises. I even heard one saying he can die for the country. The core truth is, we don't know who is who again.

    Its hard enough to live now in these times of greed and rage. Its quite unfortunate that these men can buy presidential forms I mean just forms for 100 million naira while their are countless, homeless and hungry kids on the streets,no jobs,no electricity, no good roads,no security; corruption of the highest order. My fellow youths,do what you gotta do but know you gotta change and find a way to make it on your own. Too many families have been affected by these killings and kidnappings. Massacre. The system in this country projected by these old men have torn apart your family and my family(our families). How many funerals and mass funerals are we gonna attend? How many more scenes and crimes are we gonna watch them splash our bloods on the concrete? If you are situated in the East and you just hear of killings and spilling of blood in the North,do not wave it off or feel reluctant because your own relation might be a victim. The same applies to the North. A man residing in Ebonyi state never thought in his mind that his own blood brother would be a victim of the Owo massacre being perpetuated by herdsmen in the far West.

   Gunfire is produced at alarming rates. Dear youths, break the shit,get in the car and break. It takes a nation of millions if we intend to stop the killings. Just search your feelings and participate in some rescue winnings. They are our brethren and when they bleed we bleed. There's no pleasure in the suffering. There's no glory in pain,a soldier's story in vain. It takes a life to save a life. This ain't living we gotta do what we gotta do. You want a change,you have to fight for it, ain't nobody gonna give it to you. You have to take it. Maybe it hasn't occurred to us that the only way to come out of this ridiculous state is to fight to survive. Since the politicians and so called leaders aren't doing anything to help our situation, we have to fight our way out of this mess.

   River state Governor Nyesom Wike was the other day congratulating his son who just graduated from a university in United kingdom while our own varsities were on strike for months. They fly out of the country for treatments and medical checkups while having underdeveloped and dilapidated hospitals at home which they have reluctantly refused to build or rebuild. How are we gonna have Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers,Journalists etc if our schools are on strike. Am still wondering. No work no pay. No pay no work. Teachers and lecturers are constantly complaining of their salaries not being paid. How do you want them to survive? How do you want them to feed and take care of their children if you don't pay them their wages. I sincerely believe that if peradventure a war eventually breaks out of this country of ours,our leaders would gladly fly out of the country leaving us here to perish.

   Terrorists have upgraded to a certain height,a revered level to an extent of abducting soldiers and even threatening to abduct the number one citizen of the so-called giant of Africa. I heard that the President, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari GCFR once upon a time travelled to Monrovia,Liberia to deliver a lecture on security and corruption. I laughed,I was shocked. How can a man not being able to set his own house in order advice another man to do so. Mr President, I candidly advice that you should please remove the beam in your eyes before you even think of removing the log in your brother's eye. When will all these killings,sufferings, kidnapping and bomb last end? When would we truly be free? When are we truly gonna get a leader who cares for us? I believe that one day we would possibly elect political leaders that will put an end to all these sufferings and killings. Or are my just day dreaming? Favouritism. How can there be peace when one tribe is being favoured over the others. I've been to no leadership school or class, I've been to no Harvard, but I instinctly know that a leader is supposed to be impartial, fair and just in his dealings.

   "I am for everybody and I am for nobody", in case Mr President has forgotten those were his exact words when he was being inaugurated as the Grand Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but he is doing exactly the opposite.

   I have a dream. I want to be free. I want a peaceful Nation,a Nigeria of our dreams created by God and upheld by noble men. A country where I can walk freely even in the midnight without fear of being kidnapped for ransom or even killed. A country where I can call an Hausa man my brother and he would reply with a smile. We want a country where we can,after graduating secure the jobs of our dreams. A country where we can invest and get our returns without bloodshed. A nation where I can travel to any state of my choice without being hunted,intimidated or tribalized. A country free from Bokoharam,bandits and unknown gunmen. A country free from killings of our youths by our own military men. A nation where I can run to the station/barrack for safety. A nation where I can confide in a politician to help me achieve my dreams. A country whose its politicians can look me straight in the eye and whisper with a firm bold voice "don't worry everything would be alright. A nation whose its leaders can have sleepless nights because of their citizens. 

Though no country is totally devoid of corruption, but a child can have a nice sleep knowing damn well that his Father is capable of handling any damn bend that comes their way. Oh! How I wish. Maybe am just day dreaming. Perhaps its just a fantasy.


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