(Believe you can and you are halfway there) Theodore Roosevelt.
     Yeah. What a fucked life. I wake up in the morning and I ask myself "this day what am I gonna achieve? Is life worth living should I blast myself. Trailing behind in almost everything a little forward then drawing backwards. What are my still living for? Nothing works out well for me. No no no don't tell me that because I am cursed,all my efforts are in vain or can't you see. Stephen just bought a car and Sandra just got married. Oh oh lest I forget what of Mary,she just realized her dream job and here I am still struggling, surviving through my nose and feeding through the skin of my teeth. Who did I offend? These are words spoken by men who have achieved little to nothing in their entire lives. Men who have lost their purpose in life. They've lost focus. I know that feeling, the feeling of nothingness. Who am I? I've once been there and I understand. Intimidated and bullied by my mates and seniors,insulted and assaulted by my juniors because I was small frail and weak and seriously I could do nothing. But I tell you of a truth that feeling would continue to haunt you till you decide to change your thinking,till you stop comparing yourself with others,till you start believing in you.
     Somebody wake me am dreaming. Dreams are dreams but reality seems to be the only place to go the only place to live in. Do you believe in your dreams? Would you work towards your goals? You do have a mission if you would but work towards a vision immersed by a driven ambition to unleash your full potential. Your awesome potential can only be unleashed when you start believing in you. No matter what people say,no matter what happens and it doesn't even matter who believes in your dreams, until you start believing in your own self,in your own powers,in your guts,in your instincts,you ain't going nowhere. Most men succeed not because of who or who doesn't believe in them but because they believed in themselves.
     I have a question. Who made the laws that you should graduate from school by 22,be independent by 25, married by 30, successful by 40 and retired by 60? Who knew what time it was when the clock was invented? Who said you should brush your teeth two times a day and sleep 8hours at night? Society. The core truth is, while time itself was created by God,it's perception was formulated by Man. We've made this laws and rules forgetting that we all will pass through different routes to reach our own destinations in life, forgetting that destiny, gifts and talents differs. That Kelvin went to college,graduated,got a job and became successful at age 35 doesn't mean that Sophia would pass through the same process and also become successful. Destiny differs. Yeah it is true that men like Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg, Tupac Shakur etc became famous and successful so early in their lives, but what about men like Abraham Lincoln,Col.Sanders, Mahatma Ghandi etc who also became successful and famous but in their latter years. Destiny differs. If Lincoln had given up because he didn't achieve success at age 30 would we have heard his name? Believe in you.
     The struggle never stops so I urge you to live the life you love and love the life that you live. Everything will start working out for good the moment you start believing in yourself. Self believe works like magic,it increases both your self confidence and self esteem. Whether you be at 0% in life your level increases to 100% just because you believe. Don't rush. We ain't running any race bro. There's no competition in destiny,what is yours will be yours,it doesn't mean you should relax on the couch. You have to work towards the realization of your dream life. Sitting on the sofa wishing and comparing yourself with others won't take you nowhere,even Jesus Christ worked in other to be glorified by God. He saw a mission in his vision and he worked towards that direction till death. He proved himself. This is life,this is reality,wake up from your slumber,stop wishing, you can't wish yourself into success,stop complaining and put in real work. Work for your future,for your family,for your children,for your personality,for you. You are a great man,a living legend. Legends never die. Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Without a confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Have faith in your own abilities,work hard and there is nothing on planet earth that can stop you. I end my caption with this story: 
     "Once upon a time,there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to teach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to watch the race and cheer the contestants...... The race began. No one in the crowd believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements like "oh it is way too difficult,they will never make it to the top,not a chance that they will succeed,the tower is too high". The tiny frogs began collapsing one by one except for those in a fresh tempo. They were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell "it is too difficult no one will make it". More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But one tiny frog continued higher and higher and higher,this one wouldn't give up. In the end, everyone else had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog that after a big effort was the only one that reached the top. Then all the other frogs wanted to know how this one tiny frog managed to do it. A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the top. The frog did not respond,it stayed mum with that big smile of success on his face. Later it turned out that the winner was DEAF."
     Never listen to other people's tendencies. Likely they will be negative or pessimistic. Close your ears and move forward. You move different when you believe in your power. Work hard. Sacrifice now enjoy later. Believe in you.


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