"When pain brings you down, don't be silly,don't close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the position to see the sunshine"(Alanis Morissette).
     "Sometimes when I'm alone I cry cause I am on my own,the tears I cry are bitter and warm,they flow with life but take no form,I cry because my heart is torn, I find it difficult to carry on,if I had an ear to confiding I would cry among my treasured friend but who do you know that stops that long,to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by than to stop and see what makes one cry,so painful and sad and sometimes I cry and no one cares to know why"(Tupac Shakur).
     Dreams realized through shear hardwork comforts the soul even when not satisfactory. Be contented. The soul seeks for glory because man was created to excel. Goals pursued with all honesty and sincerity even when not actualized is far better than a shortcut that will in the end lead to doom. Don't cry. All that glitters are not gold. Your future is bright but remember before the morrow comes the dark. The sun will rise but on those who did not give up. Never lose hope God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers. It ain't easy, no one said it would be easy but we know for certain in the long run it would be worth it. Don't cry. Your tears are a sign that you've been strong for too long, you've been fighting, seems like you're not winning, like you are not progressing, nothing is moving, like you are stuck in a maze,the pain is tougher than the struggle,the night seems like eternity, your bed soaked with tears, the day finally surfaces, you've got to begin your mission "again", the hustling continues, the struggle never ends, black rain shower, the pain builds character. Don't cry.
     There isn't no great man, no living legend, no great man of great wealth and success who didn't pass through what you are passing through today. The only difference between you and that Billionaire is time. This is their time, your time will come if you keep on fighting. Gold passes through fire to become what it is. You must be tested and you have to prove your worth. There's no challenge you can't stand, no situation you can't handle. Don't cry. Prove the naysayers wrong,the doubters,the pessimists. Sitting there complaining, crying and whining will only worsen your worries. You gotta get up,go out there and work. Put in real work and prove your haters wrong. Success covers a multitude of blunders. Fuck' em all. Unsuccessful people have the habit of blaming the whole world but themselves. They blame the society,their parents,the economy even God for their failures forgetting that every man is responsible for his actions in life.
     I urge you to fall in love with the struggle. Love the life you live and live the life you love, everything will move smoothly when you are in love with what you do being fully aware that this life is not always a bed of roses. Make plans,plan B too, having it in deposit that our plans can always fail. Man plans God laughs. Anyways,be prepared for the worst. Pain is a part of the game. We are soldiers in God's eyes. Don't cry. Endure. Are you sleeping away your time,till 10am? It's what you do with your night that puts you in the light. Deep in the dark when the pistols spark. A great pianist was once asked how he made it to the top, he said"practice,I go for shows and events in the day and when I come back in the night I practice from 10pm to 2am, I retire to bed and sleep for 3hours. I begin my practice again from 5am to 8am nothing more that's my secret ". You gotta get up,wake up from your slumber,to be successful you have to give it all it takes, your all. Never stop trying to reach the top even if you fall from the ladder never fall from grace. It ain't easy but you gotta get up and try again. Never give up. Keep your head up, your vision straight,never allow your focus be interrupted nor your goals to diminish. Soon, the pain will go away, the tears will dry up. It's just a matter of time. Be proud of yourself for how hard you are trying. Don't cry. Keep your head up even when the road is hard never give up. Stay away from negative people they have a loss for every profit and a problem for every solution. And just like Tupac Shakur said"never surrender it's all about the faith you've got don't ever stop just push it till you hit the top and if you drop at least you know you gave your all to be true to you, that way you can never fall". Don't cry.
Through the rise and fall you will make it to the top. Don't cry.


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