"When beggars die,there are no comets seen; even the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of Princes"(William Shakespeare).
     In 1914,a massive fire raged through inventor Thomas Edison's lab complex in downtown West Orange,New Jersey. Chemical fueled flames shot 100 feet in the sky, burning five city blocks and destroying almost his entire operation. Though most of his works were totally burnt,he responded in a way that showed total control over his emotions. He told his 24year old son "go get your mother and all her friends,they'll never see a fire like this again ". When Charles objected, Edison said "it's alright we just got rid of a lot of rubbish". Later, at the scene of the blaze, Edison was quoted in the New York times as saying "although I am 67years old, I'll start all over again tomorrow". He told the reporter that he was exhausted from remaining at the scene until the chaos was under control but he stuck to his word and immediately began rebuilding the next morning without firing any of his employees. To do great things we need to be able to endure tragedy and setbacks. On his deathbed at 84,he said to his son "it is beautiful over there" leaving behind inventions that will benefit the world throughout all generations. Damn. This man was indeed a larger than life character.
     Repositioning oneself to the altruistic nature of life is a task difficult even for the genius himself. Becoming a larger than life character requires not just hard work and determination but also the favoured support of the universe. The divine. There is creation and something/someone must have created it distributing gifts and talents while creating and calling some special. Will I call it luck? I don't believe it to be but sometimes the supernatural favours some souls that were selected for greatness and believe you me, some are more special than the others. Now let's explore on the names and characters that have lived even after decades or centuries of their death. I call them larger than life personalities.
     Who was Achilles? Whether it be real or imagined, a story told or a fable call it fairy tale, maybe a myth, Greek myth; the truth is this man deserves to be mentioned here. He was a larger than life personality. Though it be said or written that he was the son of a goddess, making him half human half spirit. Achilles was the strongest warrior and hero in the Greek army during the Trojan War. The role model of Alexander the Great. He was the son of Peleus, King of the Myrmidons and Thetis a sea nymph. The story of  Achilles appears in Homer's illiad and elsewhere. His mother Thetis made him invulnerable by dipping him in the River Styx while he was still an infant. The problem was that she held him by the heels which were not wetted, this remained a vulnerable part of his anatomy. Achilles became a great warrior and slew Hector of Troy in battle. Achilles was extraordinary. He possessed exceptional strength, stamina and resistance to injury due to his semi-divine birth. He was stronger,faster, and more inexaustible than most human beings,but not to a Superman degree. He was also invulnerable with the exception of his ankles which lacked the godly enhancements of his physical stamina. He could not be harmed by any means; but a wound in his ankles could prove certain death. He was a ruthless warrior with the sword and in unarmed combat and he could show particularly brutal tactics when heightened by a warriors rage. He carried a sword and a spear and wore an armour forged by the god Hephaestus. Achilles was killed in battle by an arrow shot by Trojan Prince Paris. The god Apollo is said to have guided the arrow into his vulnerable spot, his heel. His heel has become a spot for weakness in modern day society hence the phrase " ACHILLES HEEL"
                ALEXANDER THE GREAT 
   The mighty undefeated king. Alexander earned the honorific epithet "The Great"  due to his unparalleled success as a military commander. He never lost a battle despite typically being outnumbered. His impressive record was largely due to his smart use of terrain, phalanx and calvary tactics, bold strategy and the fierce loyalty of his troops. Alexander the Great was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Phillip 11 to the throne at the tender age of 20. He spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia and Egypt. By age 30 he had created one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Greece to north western India. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's greatest military commanders. Alexander was tutored by Greek philosopher Aristotle. His mother Olympias the fourth wife of Phillip 11 often told him that he was destined for greatness and that he was the son of Zeus a Greek god of thunder. He also defeated the mighty Persian empire led by king Darius 111 and became a world power. He never lost a single battle and is said to have been an admirer of Achilles Greek's greatest warrior. He died in 323 BC in Babylon, the city of Mesopotamia that he had planned to establish as his empire's capital. He died at a very young age of 32. According to an ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch, "on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Phillip, Olympias dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt that caused a flame to spread far and wide before dying away. Sometime after the wedding, Phillip is said to have seen himself in a dream securing his wife's womb with a seal engraved with a lion's image. When Alexander was 10years old a trader from Thessaly brought Phillip a horse which he offered to sell for 13 talents. The horse refused to be mounted and Phillip ordered it away. Alexander however, defecting the horse fear of its own shadow, asked to tame the horse which he eventually managed. Phillip overjoyed at this display of courage and ambition kissed his son tearfully declaring "my boy you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions Macedon is to small for you". He bought the horse for Alexander. Alexander named it Bucephalus meaning ox head. Bucephalus carried Alexander as far as India. When the animal died because of old age, predicted to be 30, Alexander named a city after him Bucephala. On his deathbed at 32 Alexander was asked who would be his designated successor he said "to the strongest one" and breathed his last.
                   ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
    The Great Emancipator. Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer politician and statesman who served as the 16th President of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He successfully waged a political struggle and civil war that preserved the Union, ended slavery and created the possibility of civil and social freedom for African Americans. Born as Honest Abe on February 12, 1809 near Hodgenville Kentucky, US, died April 15, 1865, Washington DC. He was the 16th President of the United States from 1861 before his life was caught short in 1865. Lincoln led the Union through the American Civil War to defend the nation as a constitutional union and succeeded in abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government and modernizing the US. Abraham Lincoln is mostly regarded as the greatest President of the United States for his leadership during the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. His main contender is Franklin D. Roosevelt for leading the country out of the Great Depression and during World War 11. He was a self taught lawyer,legislator and vocal opponent of slavery. Though the greatest American president, Lincoln's life story was a sad one. In 1832,he lost his job (defeated for state legislature), in 1833, he failed in business, in 1835, his sweetheart died, 1836, he had a nervous breakdown, 1838, defeated for speaker, 1843, defeated for nomination for Congress, 1848, lost renomination, 1849, rejected for land officer, in 1854, he was defeated for US Senate, 1856, defeated for nomination for vice president, 1858 again defeated for US Senate. Against all these odds in 1861 Lincoln became the President of the United States and is remembered as one of the greatest. You too can become a man of success if you refuse to give up. He was assassinated on 15th April,1865 at the age of 56. He died the next morning after he was shot.
                THEODORE ROOSEVELT
    Theodore Roosevelt Jr. often referred to as Teddy or by his initials, T.R was an American politician, statesman, soldier, conservationalist, naturalist, historian and writer who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901-1909. Roosevelt assumed the presidency at age 42, he became and still remains the youngest person to become president of the United States. As a leader of the progressive movement he championed his "Square Deal" domestic policies. It called for fairness for all citizens, breaking of bad trust, regulation of railroads and pure food and drugs. Roosevelt prioritized conservation and established national parks, forest and monuments to preserve America's natural resources. He expanded America's Navy and sent the Great White Fleet on a world tour to project American Naval power. His successful efforts to broker the end of the Russo-Japanese War won him the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize, making him the first American to win a Nobel prize.
     Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27,1858 at 28th East 20th street in Manhattan, New York City. He was the second of four children born to socialite Martha Stewart Bullock and business man and philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt Sr. His younger brother Elliott was the father of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt who married Theodore's distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt who also later became the 32nd president of the United States. Roosevelt's youth was largely shaped by his poor health and debilitating asthma. He repeatedly experienced sudden nighttime asthma attacks that caused the experience of being smothered to death which terrified both Theodore and his parents. Nevertheless he was energetic and mischievously inquisitive. At one time his father told him "you have the mind but not the body, make the body" and he did make his body. He discovered the significant benefits of physical exertion to minimize his asthma and bolster his spirits. He began a heavy regime of exercise. After being manhandled by two older boys on a camping trip, he found a boxing coach to teach him how to fight and strengthen his body. Roosevelt was at one time shot by a would be assassin while delivering a 90 minutes speech at Milwaukee, Wisconsin and refused to be treated immediately. He delivered his 90 minutes speech before allowing himself taken to the hospital. The bullet lodged in his heart after penetrating his steel eyeglass case and passing through a 50 page thick single folded copy of the speech titled "Progressive Cause Greater Than Any Individual" which he was carrying in his jacket. Though he was later taken to the hospital, the bullet remained in his chest for the rest of his life. America gained their world power reputation during his tenure. In his latter years he suffered from breathing problems and died of a blood clot that lodged in his heart at age 60. He was indeed a larger than life personality.
                    NELSON MANDELA 
     Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who served as the first President of South Africa from 1994-1999. He was the country's first black Head of State and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, he served as the President of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991-1997.
     Mandela is considered the father of modern South Africa. He was instrumental in tearing the oppressive government and installing democracy. Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for peacefully destroying the Apartheid regime and laying the foundation for democracy. He took office at the age of 75. He received more than 260 awards over 40years most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. A larger than life personality, like a diamond, he was truly one of a kind and his smile sparkled like no other. He also has an international day named in his honour, Nelson Mandela Day, which is celebrated every year on 18 July as a call to action for individuals to help change the world into a better place. Nelson Mandela's birth name was Rolihlahla Mandela, which means "to pull a branch off a tree" and "trouble maker" in his Xhosa tribe. Nelson Mandela spent nearly 27years of his life in jail. He spent 18 years of his imprisonment on Robben Island during which he was allowed to meet his wife once every six months. Today there are Robben Island tours to see Mandela's jail cell. Hundreds of streets have been named after his name. He also had a nuclear particle (the Mandela particle), a prehistoric woodpecker (australopicus nelson mandelai) and an orchid (paravanda nelson mandela) named after him. He died at the ripe age of 95 after a prolonged respiratory infection. This man was indeed larger than life.
                  TUPAC SHAKUR
     Tupac Amaru Shakur, also known by his stage name 2pac and briefly Makaveli, was an American rapper. He is widely considered one of the most influential and successful rappers of all time. Shakur is among the best selling music artist, having sold more than 75 million records worldwide. Much of Shakur's music has been noted for addressing contemporary social issues that plagued inner cities and he is considered a symbol of activism against inequality. Born Lesane Parish Crooks to Afeni Shakur (nee Alice Faye Williams), a member of the Black Panther Party and was renamed a year later after Peruvian revolutionary Tupac Amaru 11. Tupac was shot 5times in which he survived. In one of his songs titled Letter to my unborn he said "I was shot 5times but am still breathing living proof there is a God if you need a reason" bolstering his believe in God Almighty. He was accused of rape in which he pleaded not guilty and was later sent to jail. He was later released on bail in October 1995 and excelled mysteriously before his life was caught short in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas in September 1996. What he brought to hip hop was a level of rawness and a poetic drive in the way he delivered his words. He had a level of self empowerment that made people want to listen to what he had to say. Even today, you could fly anywhere and surely there'd be somebody who knows Tupac. He died on 13th September 1996 from gunshot wounds. He was only 25. 713 songs, 6 albums, 6 movies, 11 platinums, 75 million records sold all by the tender age of 25. He indeed is a replica of a larger than life character.
     There are many men/women who achieved what most men will think unimaginable. Impossible. Sir Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Julius Caesar, Queen Elizabeth, Mahatma Ghandi, Moremi Ajasoro (the legendary Yoruba Queen)etc. You too can become a great personality if you believe and put in the work required. Sacrifice. Impossible is the word found only in the dictionary of fools. If you believe you can achieve.


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