BOOM 💥💥💥!!! And it happened: the nightmare of every true Nigerian who suffered during the dark era of the former president, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari. The one we wished not to come to fruition. And we prayed; let it just be a dream but, we woke up to it's reality. Through the misery it came to pass: The re-emergence of APC. Whether the election was rigged or not, the reality is: APC still exists in power. When the righteous reigns the people rejoice but when the wicked rules the people suffer. Now is the set time for them to right all their wrongs if truly they have the interest of Nigerians at heart. Though not the same personalities but the party still lingers and just the imagination and remembrance of what we went through in the hands of their predecessors, coupled with the untold hardship we've encountered because of the fuel subsidy removal less than 24hrs of the new president Bola Ahmed Tinubu's inauguration, we do nought but only hope and pray 🙏🙏.
     It is needless of me to talk of the new president's promises during his inaugural speech because we are already tired of promises not being fulfilled and our needs and wants not being met. Action they say speaks louder than words. Great leaders are remembered not for what they said but for what they did after what they said. Looks like the sky is bright but only time will tell what they have in stock for us, if truly they are here again to right their wrongs or to make life more miserable for Nigerians. Time will tell.The president, His Excellency Bola Ahmed Asiwaju Tinubu had once tested power as a Governor and therefore need not be told what the people demands, he knows the plight of the poor masses. We seek nothing but a better Nigeria, a Nigeria of our dreams, created by God and upheld by noble men; Honourable Men of reputable character. We seek for leaders who do not act after their own false volition, leaders who do not work just for their own stomach but for the gain of all; the majority. Leaders we can confide in, leaders we can trust. Leaders who can do anything and even go anywhere not just for survival but for the prosperity of their people.      Sincerely, we do not want a re-occurrence, we don't even want to re-imagine our ordeals in the hands of the former regime and seriously I don't think we would survive it. Though we are strong we will always pull through and God will always see us through. Enough of the popular slogan "suffering and smiling", we are tired of suffering, we are tired of bad governance. APC should redress their step and step up their game if truly they want to win the heart of Nigerians.His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu has a handful of work to do and we sincerely hope he would deliver. Ruling a populous and diverse nation like Nigeria is no easy feat at all even for JAGABAN himself. It's another chance in power for APC to right their wrongs, redress their steps, correct their mistakes and step up their game. Starting from corruption down to unemployment the new government have a lot of stuffs to fix if truly they would but fix. All APC members hands must be on deck to correct and to erase the bad name already given them by Nigerians.
     The issues of marginalization and tribalism which has sunk deep into the Nigerian government system of operandi should be addressed immediately. No section or tribe should feel or experience exclusion from governmental positions dear president Bola Ahmed Tinubu. It is a cankerworm that can chew down any government's plans for their people. In other to avoid uproar and a bid for secession from any part of the country, the issue of marginalization should be addressed pronto.Insecurity is another bedbug that has eaten deep into the archives of our great Nation. It has hindered every form of successful operation in our country. From unknown gunmen saga down to banditry, Fulani herdsmen's rampage, Bokoharam, numerous kidnapping of students, citizens and killing of religious workers, insecurity is a menace that needs to be eliminated with immediate effect. Insecurity hinders a nation from prospering.
Unemployment is nothing to write home about. The number of unemployed youths is alarming. It is appalling, especially the graduates roaming the streets all in the name of looking for jobs. Permit me to say "looking for jobs have now become their job". We ain't going anywhere if our future isn't promised. Ain't no hope for the youths but the truth is ain't no hope for the future. The youths are the strength of every nation. But what happens when the youths are unemployed and hungry, they become touts in other to fend for themselves. APC has another chance to proffer a lasting solution to the menace unemployment has caused in our dear Nation. Job opportunities should be created in other to curb the rate of crimes and unemployment in our beloved country. 
APC still has yet another chance in power to prove themselves. A second chance.


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