Once upon a time, there lived two friends in a remote village West of Africa. They were hunters. They've been together as friends since their childhood days. They went hunting together, went swimming together, there was nothing they did without the knowledge of each other. Mingi and Amakiri were like brothers from the same parents. They were never apart and they did everything together. They fought wars for their kingdom and conquered. They hunted buffaloes, antelopes, deer, etc. It was said that at one time they killed a lion and an elephant on the same day, brought them home and shared to all the villagers. They were fearless, strong and mighty. Mingi and Amakiri, whenever my eyes sets on both of you my spirit jumps for joy, till today I still do not know why said an old woman who lived by the seashore.
     These two were the pride of their parents, the strength of their kingdom and a joy to themselves. This one you are smiling all by yourself I hope you've not gone nuts asked Amakiri. No my friend am alright said Mingi, I just remembered what Ezenwanyi told us when we were still very little. And what did she say asked Amakiri. Have you forgotten so soon tipped Mingi. Please forgive my forgetfulness pleaded Amakiri, you know I can be forgetful at times. Okay that's not a problem at all said Mingi, I just remembered when Ezenwanyi told us that we would be the pride of this kingdom if we stick together and work harder than anyone else. Yeah, she was a seer and her words have come to fulfillment opined Amakiri. Mingi and Amakiri were the dream children of every parent. They never quarrelled, they were hardworking, intelligent, brave and strong. They hunted down wild animals like they were just having fun. They helped their parents in the farm. They were always together.Then, one day problem set in like a thief in the night to separate this lovebirds. They were in love with the same woman. They were seeing her without knowing. Ewedo's plan was just to separate this great friends and she nearly did. Amakiri visited his friend in his hut and saw Ewedo lying with him and he became furious. Ewedo what are you doing here? Mingi what is my woman doing in your hut exclaimed Amakiri. Who's your woman asked Mingi, Ewedo of course replied Amakiri. You don't know what you're talking about, this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with said Mingi. You must be joking, I told you about a woman I love and you went behind my back to date her, you're such an ingrate, a coward cursed Amakiri. Before the villagers could arrive to inquire what was happening they had started fighting. They were separated by the villagers and the Chief of the community asked them what the problem was. Amakiri was the first to voice out: I came here to visit this fool I called my friend only to find him lying with my woman. Chief, I started dating Ewedo just two weeks ago she never told me she was seeing another man and my friend for that matter said Mingi. Where is the woman asked the Chief, they all turned round and looked for her but couldn't find her, she had already taken to her heels when she noticed the villagers were coming. She was here, just here now Mingi said. And she disappeared when you both started fighting, hmmm I smell something fishy said the Chief. Search the whole village make sure you find Ewedo and bring her here commanded the Chief to the youths. The youths went looking for her and found her trying to board a boat so she could escape to the next village. They caught her and brought her to the Chief and she confessed that she wanted to separate the two friends and that she hated seeing them together because she couldn't maintain her friendship with Obaha her childhood friend, she was jealous of them. So because you couldn't maintain your friendship with Obaha that's why you want to break the bond of others asked the Chief angrily. 
The Chief proclaimed his judgement and she was punished by the youths. Amakiri and Mingi apologized to each other and lived happily thereafter.


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