Creation/amalgamation. It all began. The year was 1960. The cool weather of the noon glamourously exposed the beauty of independence and the weightous height/joy of freedom. The noise of the happy streets accelerated condescendingly. The joyous song of the people echoed in the ocean, looks like Christ had landed from the heavens. The chants of victory resonated all over Africa: behold the Giant of Africa was born. Nigeria didn't and still haven't lived up to it's name. From the dawn of it's amalgamated era down to it's independence even unto this present day, Nigeria have always been a struggling nation. We told the colonial masters we wanted to do it our way, by ourselves, who doesn't want to be free? And it was given to us. We collected the scepter from the White Masters. 1960 was the year, six years later there was a coup and on the seventh year it metamorphosed into a full blown war; The Biafran War of 1967-1970. Since then till now, i.e after the War, Nigeria have been in chaos, no progress, just from one crisis to the other.
The military era witnessed the death of high profile citizens in the country and when the ball was passed to the civilians, instead of a stop in the prejudicial killings of the citizens reverse became the case. We witnessed a surge in the killings of low profile citizens by gunmen, kidnappers, bandits, assassins, herdsmen, Bokoharam etc and till today little to nothing have been put into place to stop these killings. The politicians are after their pockets without considering the sufferings of the poor masses. From one new government to the other we experience nothing but different styles/types of suffering and untold hardship. Who would rescue my dear nation from sinking? Looks like the military juntas were more economical than the so-called democratic Presidents.
     Corrupt political leaders are the main reason why Nigeria is stagnant today. Political offices held by corrupt minds can and will only conceive a polluted country. No nation with corrupt leaders can make progress of any sort. The US is a world power today because they had leaders who were willing to go any length for the progress of their beloved nation unlike Nigeria who's leaders are after nothing but their own pockets. Leaders who have secret bank accounts in other nations and I ask why are they hidden, they are money stolen from the country's wealth. New leaders emerge instead of harsh economic situations to turn around they become worse. The system is already rotten, I don't think any leader can emerge now to turn things around for good. The system is broken, it needs reshuffling, it needs rebuilding, it needs rejigging.
     Our newest President His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu within few months of assuming power has received backlash upon backlash of criticisms from all parts of the country because of harsh decisions that have plunged the whole country into untold and unwarranted economic hardship. When are we truly gonna get a leader who cares for us? From the removal of fuel subsidy to hike in electric bills(which was somehow halted by the Senate) as we hope for the future. The hike in petrol price is nothing to write home about, the students loan, are the students supposed to be given loans, can't we be given scholarships? What about the drivers annual payment of ownership? Truly, this system projected by these old men without human sympathy needs to be broken.
A leader who has not been able to fix his own damn country fantasizes going to War. Are we not doomed? The saga of kidnapping, banditry and Bokoharam insurgency have lingered for over two decades, our leaders and soldiers who have not been able to counter the effects of these men with black hearts are now fantasizing going to War. And just like the great American legendary rapper Tupac Shakur said "they've got money for war but can't feed the poor". Internal crisis have eaten deep into our systems, crisis we've not been able to combat and here we are seeking for more problems. Do we  need external stimuli to prove what we are not.
     The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) some days ago embarked on strike due to the increase in fuel price alias subsidy removal which have in result inflated the price of goods and services. Transportation fare in some areas have tripled as a result of this one decision (fuel subsidy removal). The NLC are once again threatening to embark on another strike if the needs of the people are not met. Is it an offence to ask for an increase in the standard of living of the people in order to cushion the pains of the citizens caused by the fuel subsidy removal? Instead we are preparing for war in Niger. Hmmm. Any organization that threatens strike against a particular government actually means that the leaders in power are not doing well.
Twenty four years of civilian rule and still no progress. Should we now go back to the dark era of military regimes? Even a one time Head of State couldn't solve the puzzle surrounding our vicinity instead he led us into more hardship. Maybe there is no cure to Nigeria's problems. Before the Biafran War, we co-existed as one, we were united as a Nation, we moved, grew and did progress as one body until the Biafran War came and spoiled our minds. The war wrecked our hearts, damaged our brain cells and created enmity between us, we became sworn enemies, we were no longer united and that has hindered our progress as a nation looking to move forward. Unity is the only remedy to our problems. Let's unite and work together. Come let us reason together so that we might pull down the strongholds of darkness hindering us from moving forward as a nation. Unity is the only key to unlock all our God given potentials as a diversified country. The West have a way of creating enmity between tribes and nations but if we believe and hold on tight to ourselves we would conquer.
     Nigeria is but a dying nation, who would bring back to life? Politicians don't even have our interest at heart that's why power revolves and rotates around the same people. Same persons, same story, the same news headline, same breaking news everyday, every month, year after year. It saddens my heart, makes me sit back and retrospect, when would we learn?
Arise oh compatriots and save our dear nation from sinking. 
Arise oh noble men of valour cuz if the nation sinks the people sinks with it.


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