Mom am off to school, echoed Sandra. Bye see you later replied her mom.

                        AT SCHOOL 
Gring, ring, ring, the time keeper rang the bell for the morning assembly and all the students assembled on the school's field. Everything was done accordingly after which the principal came and addressed his students. Good morning all greeted the principal, Good morning Sir replied the students. As you all know your exams are around the corner so I implore all of you to read your books and get ready. Make your parents proud by coming out with excellent results. Have I made myself clear asked the principal, yes Sir the students replied. After the speech the students marched into their various classrooms.
     BENNY HIGH SCHOOL was the dream of every child living around the Gaki metropolis. The school was well equipped with technological appliances, computers, laboratories for scientific experiments, library, etcetera. The school's field was big enough to be called a stadium and the school always went on excursions to enlighten the students more on the basics of life. The school was blessed with brilliant and athletic students who were ready anytime to defend their school on competitions like quiz, debates, sports, etc. It was indeed a dream of all.
     Sandra was an SS1 student living with her mother down the lane. Her Dad divorced her Mom because of family issues that could easily be resolved. They were separated but her Dad never stopped sending them money for their upkeep. Sandra was an intelligent and average girl, she was very studious and never joked with her studies. 
Sandra, called her mom, yes mom answered Sandra, remember we're going to your Aunt's house to spend the weekend there, no mom am not going, why asked her mom surprised, our exams are around the corner so I have to read my books she said. Ok darling no problem at all I will postpone it till when your exams are done concurred her mom. Thanks mom.
     The weekend was over and the much anticipated exam period was here. The day was Monday, a day taken more serious than all the other days of the school. The hall for the exams was set, the students were only waiting for instructions to go in and sit for their exams.
What are you moping at Uche asked his friend Kingsley? Oh nothing replied Kingsley. Don't tell me nothing I saw you looking at that girl, I think I like that girl said Kingsley, which girl asked Uche? Kingsley pointed at the girl and Uche his friend was surprised. You mean you like your junior student queried Uche, I don't think I just like her I think am falling in love with her infact Uche am in love with that girl, I can't stop thinking about her Kingsley said authoritatively. Mennn you are in love with Sandra your junior student are you not ashamed of yourself Uche shouted on top of his voice. What do you mean Kingsley asked his friend okay tell me should I fall in love with my senior or do you expect me to date an older lady Kingsley asked again? Guy look at it this way, you are the senior prefect how do you think the whole school and especially the principal would react when they discover you are in a relationship with not just anybody but your junior student Uche said trying to persuade him to kill the feelings he had developed for Sandra. Fuck it, I don't care thundered Kingsley, see Uche this is me we are talking about here and not other people, I mean my happiness or do you want me to please people and displease myself he asked Uche? Guy you have to understand where am driving at, it's about your reputation Uche adviced. Damn it, I don't care Kingsley thundered again am going after that girl he concluded.
     The exam papers were ready and the students were instructed by the teachers cum invigilators to sit for their papers. The time was set , they wrote their first and second papers and left for their various homes. On the way after the exams Kingsley ran after Sandra: excuse me Sandra, good afternoon senior greeted Sandra, good afternoon replied Kingsley, how are you, am fine answered Sandra. See I don't know how to tell you this and to be sincere it might look awkward but am going to say it anyway hope you won't get angry Kingsley asked. No, am not sure but I hope there's no problem Sandra asked. No not at all. See Sandra I don't know how to say this but the truth is I like you and infact I don't know but I think am in love with you Kingsley mustered courage and told her. Sandra was speechless. Common babe say something my feelings for you are pure and true and I just wish you will grant me my heart desire by accepting to be my girlfriend said Kingsley. Uche, Kingsley's friend was standing by the wayside watching and waiting for his friend. This boy should be fast about this shit lemme get outta here he murmured.
Please say something Kingsley pleaded with her. Honestly senior Kingsley I don't know what to say infact am short of words said Sandra and why are you short of words asked Kingsley, because I don't believe that you of all people can ask me to be your girlfriend am in shock said Sandra. See forget about my position in school it's just a mere title that will even fade away once I graduate from the school but you and I will still be together that is if you accept my proposal Kingsley said with a trembling voice. Please can you let me go home and think about it I will give you my answer tomorrow Sandra assured. Ok no problems and they parted ways. Oga please let's go you've wasted my time a lot Uche said angrily keep quiet my friend thundered Kingsley you no dey shame cursed Uche.
At home Sandra couldn't concentrate on her studies as her mind was filled with the thoughts of Kingsley and his words of approach towards her. Sandra was a lonely and lovely girl of her mother, she never went out always indoors. She only went out when they visited her Aunt who was her mother's elder sister, that was the only way possible for her to interact with others especially her Aunt's children. The thoughts of Kingsley filled her mind as she had never been in love with anyone her whole life. Though some of her classmates had tried to ask her out in the past but she blatantly refused. But Kingsley wasn't just anybody, he was the prefect of the school and obviously the best student the school had ever produced. Kingsley was an intelligent and brave dude, a little above average, you could tag him tall and strong very calculative and daring. He was good in sports too football in particular. But the problem now is he's my senior in school Sandra thought aloud but am I going to date my junior she asked herself. I don't know but I think I like him she said to herself. Oh God please help me she prayed.
Down the lane, through the subway situated at Benji's Estate Kingsley wasn't left out in this thinking dilemma. Oh God please I love this girl I just pray you make her fall for me Kingsley prayed too. Mennn that girl is beautiful and intelligent too and her waist is something I can't stop thinking about she's like the sunshine shining through my heart truly an angel is missing in heaven and this angel this beautiful damsel will be mine. I will do anything to make sure that girl is mine Kingsley said smiling to himself.
     At school the next day the time keeper rang the bell for the morning assembly, the students assembled as usual and everything was done accordingly after which they marched into the exam hall and sat for their papers. After the exams, Kingsley went after Sandra immediately without even informing his tight friend Uche. He met her standing outside the school laboratory: this one you're just standing here hope there's no problem Kingsley asked her. Not at all she replied. So how far about what I told you yesterday. Senior I like you but am scared Sandra responded fearfully. Scared of what Kingsley asked surprised, scared of everything, I've not done this before and more over you are my senior I don't think I would be able to handle what people would say when they discover we're dating concluded Sandra. See Sandra I only picked one sentence you made and that is I like you and nothing else matters, see babe let me tell you something whatever you do in this life people must talk so the best thing to do is to close your ears and ignore them Kingsley tried to convince her as far as we love each other and stand our ground nothing else matters and moreover I will soon graduate so you see there's nothing to be scared of. Please be my girl, my one and only, my personal person pleaded Kingsley. Uche has been walking around the whole school searching for his friend. Where could this boy be or..... I don't think so, will Kingsley go without letting me know he muttered to himself. Or come to think of it he paused for a while, ok maybe he's with Sandra ah my God Kingsley has fallen in love and nah that love go kill him idiot he cursed.
Sandra please say something Kingsley begged, I like you senior Kingsley but I will accept your proposal only on one condition Sandra said with an authoritative tone, which is asked Kingsley, we will keep it a secret no one will know we are dating until you graduate I don't want people saying nasty things behind my back, do you agree Sandra asked? Elated Kingsley obliged without thinking twice, they exchanged phone numbers, fixed a date for them to meet probably Saturday and said goodbye to each other. Kingsley where have you been I've been looking for you everywhere Uche asked angrily, guy guess what Kingsley said smiling, what, Uche replied still angry, Sandra accepted my proposal I got her she's my babe Kingsley said while smiling, you no dey shame well am happy for you once you're happy am happy said Uche, thanks buddy Kingsley thanked his friend and they left for their various homes.
     The days went by, time ran faster than the sun. It was Saturday, the noon of the day shined in every corner, even in hidden places you could feel the heat of the day. Kingsley and Sandra had decided to meet at Kingsley's house whose parents travelled to the village. Knock knock on the door Kingsley opened the door, it was Sandra: hello babe said Kingsley in an amused voice, hi replied an elated Sandra. Come in and sit anywhere it's your house too said Kingsley, really, so if it's my house too like you claimed where are my belongings asked Sandra, don't worry it's just a matter of time Kingsley assured, Sandra raised her eyebrows in shock, don't you believe me asked Kingsley, I do babe honestly I believe you replied Sandra. Kingsley offered her snacks and juice and eventually joined her in enjoying the moment. They discussed about their past, their parents, their lifestyles, their likes and dislikes they talked and talked and cracked jokes and laughed heartily. Within the spur of the moment Kingsley drew her closer to himself and kissed her passionately the kiss was so intense that Sandra couldn't hold herself, emotions were high and they were lost in ecstasy, they couldn't control themselves and fell on the floor, they were carried away by the pleasure of their sexual desires. They had sex.
Exams were over and preparations were made for their graduation ceremony. Sandra came first in her class making her the best student of her class and her man Kingsley, the school's prefect graduated as the best student the school had ever produced. He graduated with flying colours.
A month passed by and one hot afternoon Kingsley's phone rang, it was Sandra he picked it, hello babe how are you, honey am not well and am not happy either Sandra said tearfully, what's the problem you can tell me Kingsley said fearfully, she paused for a while then dropped the bombshell, Babe I'm Pregnant.


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