"Hey!!! Don't move, turn around, your hands placed on top of your head. Any cat swinging move from you I will blow off your brain from your head".

     Clinton, the only son of Mr and Mrs Ken was known for his notorious antics and wayward lifestyle. Some may call it useless but he is was a complicated life indeed. Growing from a rich home he had everything only a wealthy man's child could have. His mom Mrs Rose Ken a banker tried her possible best to raise him in a godly manner, a good boy from his early years of livelihood maybe I was cursed he would always say in his later years.

Hey Clinton, do you want to finish a packet of cigarette asked Stony his friend and a member of their gang. I am a gangster with minimum years to live, mine is a short life I have to make the most of it replied Clinton. By smoking, Stony sharply asked. I have to leave my life to the fullest Clinton snaply replied. By damaging your lungs, the brainy stony asked again. Looked like he had been hooked by the corner,Clinton ignores him for a while before approaching him; Stony, we are in this gang together, this mess and our lives are fucked, we are doomed. That you don't smoke doesn't make you any better than me, as my life is short so is yours so remove the log in your eyes before you try to remove the beam in my eyes. Stop preaching to me Clinton spoke in an authoritative tone. Stony not being the type to be cornered replied "that your life is short doesn't make mine and like we all know destiny differs". Clinton unwilling to accept defeat in the verbal war replied; believe it or not Stony untimely death is the gain of gangsterism.

                        AT HOME
Clinton sat on the sofa in the sitting room, his mother walks in sits with him and starts advising him "Clinton my son, my precious jewel, the first seed of my womb,  his mother's pride, baby I've been worried about you lately because the kind of life you live, the part you've chosen to go will only lead to your destruction. Don't you know that one day you will manage your father's company then get married and bear your own children, is this how you plan on doing that eh, I am asking you my son. Clinton ignores her, stone faced at the sitting wall then comes in his baby sister Sandra. 
Good morning mom Sandra greeted her mom. Mom why is your face like this you look sorrowful asked Sandra, why won't I look sorrowful re-asked her mom when my only son has decided to send me to an early grave why would your brother keep doing the things that he does things that might one day cut his beautiful life short, Mrs Rose started crying. Oh mommy stop crying consoled Sandra, referring to Clinton she said and you Clinton what kind of a son are you sitting there watching your mom cry because of you and you are not even touched what kind of a man are you Sandra asked angrily. Sandra Clinton called I don't want to hear your mouth again. Mrs Rose already furious with Clinton's words to his sister tried to control her anger "Clinton remember when you were still a good boy, my son, because I can't even call you my son, all the things you said you would do, you said you wanted to become a doctor is this how you will become the doctor by joining a confraternity and forgetting where you came from as she was still talking trying to convince her son to turn a new leaf, Clinton's phone rang. Gring gring gring. He checked the caller and it was Dragon the Capone of the Gang he was initiated into who was popularly known as Lord D the founder of the Black Lions confraternity.
Clinton picked the call "hello Lord D I hail you" Dragon didn't call for fantasy and went straight to the point "hey listen to me Stony is dead he was killed by the Scorpions I want everyone to meet at our caban this night it's a hit do you understand he asked an already watery eyes Clinton who responded in their normal slang "rugged you Capone". 
     Stony was his most trusted friend in the Gang and he had just been shot by the Scorpions that was too much for him. His mother and sister asked what the problem was and he told them that his friend had just been shot. Your friend has just been shot and where are you go.... before Mrs Rose could finish Clinton ran out of the house. Mother and daughter ran after him but before they could come out of the house Clinton was already out of the building.

                   THE BLACK LIONS
The Black Lions, a cult group formed by Dragon alias Lord D was one if not the most notorious cult group in the city of Milkshire. They carried out numerous hits and were known for their ambush on security officers, armed robbery and rape. They were the strongest cult group in the city of Milkshire. Their outfits were black and black with the black bandana they tied on their head. They always had their meetings and initiations every Wednesday and Friday at the back of an uncompleted building they called Caban. Their logo was the image of a Lion with a black mane and their popular slang "do not trespass".

Then came in Dragon and all the Gang members stood up and bowed their heads. It had been passed in their code that anyone who came in after Dragon had arrived will be drilled by the whole gang. Black Lions shouted dragon do not trespass the whole gang responded. Dragon echoed again for the Lions in which his boys responded are the most dangerous Kings on planet Earth. Dragon continued, we have a problem that requires a grave, "tell me something" Dagger one of their member responded. Dragon continued, information reaching the corner Stony was shot and is dead but will never be forgotten. Yes all of them a code. He was killed by the Scorpions Dragon continued, they said they sting but we are Lions we do not sting we devour and consume, "without mercy" the whole gang echoed. C'mon grab your tools it's a hit said Dragon, we will devour their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and all the whole world will know "that we cannot be trespassed" echoed the whole gang. They drew their map, set their plans and moved out in twos; before the dawn of the day lifeless bodies were seen littered on the streets. The Black Lions had taken their revenge.

                        AT HOME
Clinton retired to his father's house and went straight into his room. He brought out a bottle of black train and a packet of cigarette and started smoking. As he brewed and smoked he began reminiscing on his past life when he was still a decent child. Flashback: mum I want to be a Doctor Clinton told his mom. Then you have to study very hard replied his mom. The medicine course is not an easy task to endeavor so you have to sacrifice a lot in order to become one of the best medical practitioners in the world advised his mom. Okay mom and I promise you I will put in my best in order to make you proud,  Clinton assured. That's my boy teased his Mom. Mommy our Bible teacher said that before you do anything you have to pray so that God will help you is it true asked Clinton, of course Mrs Rose replied. Then let us pray Clinton said in a delightful tone as he was mingling in his thoughts, recalling his past and reminiscing on when he was still a good boy, his father came into his room. Clinton my son why are you doing this to yourself his father asked him. See I have plans for you my boy I have secured an admission for you, you would have to leave town as you can see you are now a man I want you to take over the reins of my company in Heming state but you have to have at least a HND and an unquestionable character in order to be able to lead as co-owner of my company,  please my son you have already been expelled from two universities please make something out of this one I secured with my money, please, his father pleaded with him. Dad Clinton called with a tearful voice it's too late, I feel like my life is coming to an end, I just feel like something bad will happen to me soon. Then let me fly you out of the country, tomorrow morning we will go to the airport buy you a ticket and you fly to Japan. My sister still lives there you can even school there if you want his father tried to persuade him but Clinton replied it's too late dad this is my destiny if I am destined to die young, so be it. Why I was growing up I always felt attracted to the dark things bad things I tried to exonerate those feelings but they lingered no need dad I am already addicted to the dark side Clinton concluded and left.

                    BLACK LIONS
The day was Wednesday, a day of their meetings, the Black Lions assembled at their normal caban. They were discussing on how to move forward and how to protect themselves from affiliate gangs before the unexpected happened.
Freeze, drop your weapons this building is already surrounded by the police. Black Lions thundered Dragon, do not trespass the whole gang echoed Dragon continued we are lions the Gang responded we do not surrender. Then you will all go to hell the commissioner of police shouted. Dagger, the executioner of the gang started singing and the whole gang joined him "mama no dey oh Papa no dey oh if you want to fire me fire make I die I will never follow you to that station". Black Lions.
They all scampered, fire: the commissioner of police shouted, kakakakaka, totototo, papapapa, gunshots electrified the whole building, it was as if the Devil was let loose on earth. The Milkshire Police conquered the Black Lions.
In the ongoing commotion and pandemonium Clinton came out of the building unharmed but the day had already decided his fate "don't move" shouted an officer who had been following him: Hey!!! Don't move, turn around, your hands placed on top of your head, any cat swinging move from you I will blow off your brain from your head shouted the police man. Clinton who was ready to die tried to run the other way, kaboom, the police man shot him. 
He was carried to the hospital when it was discovered that he was Mr Ken's son. The commissioner of police phoned his father Mr Ken who came along with his wife and daughter and they met Clinton lying on the hospital bed. Their cries woke him up, facing his family he said: "indeed I was cursed" and breathed his last.
             SAY NO TO CULTISM.


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