Five Simple Traits of High Valued Men

They Constantly try to Improve and Achieve More
     It is very easy for Christiano Ronaldo to hang up his boots and declare he has retired from professional football. But mehn the man doesn't want to drop, he doesn't want to retire, maybe he has a goal of becoming the highest goal scorer of all times at least for a decade or more before his records would be broken. Everyday he strives, he constantly continues to improve himself even at his age. What are my saying in essence, to become a high valued man, a man of great repute, you have to constantly do something that will push you higher than where you are. Even if things don't go as planned at least instead of falling, you will maintain your stance, your position.
Do something every day that moves you to a higher level, read, work, fight for your place, be disciplined, push, persevere, persist, by all means keep moving.
"If you can't fly then run. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do, you have to keep moving". (Martin Luther King Jr).

They are hungry for knowledge
     I remember coming across a statement by a great man who said he became successful because of books. He became a successful man because he read books everyday. Mind you he read great books.
What most people don't know is that most of these books contain knowledgeable words that can spark great ideas out of your brain which will of course trigger a cause of action that can lead to great wealth. Read my friend. Read everyday. Warren Buffett reads 500 to 1000 pages a day. Bill Gates reads 50 books a year. Successful people read constantly because they know that knowledge is power. An informed man is unafraid. And to be sincere, books play an important role in achieving success in life.

They are Consistent
     Consistency, consistency, consistency. What is it about these consistency that every writer keeps talking about. Consistency is a way of telling or showing the world that you are ready to go any length just to get what you want. Showing up everyday, come rain come shine you must be there working, reading, striving, writing, singing etc. "Every day I am already out there running by 4am, everyday" (Mike Tyson). 
Prove to yourself that you can beat that goal by writing everyday. Writers write. Prove to yourself that you can be the best musician of your time by putting in real work everyday. Musicians sing. Prove to yourself that you can be the strongest man out there by working out everyday. Athletes lift. Prove to yourself that you can be the best in your field, the number one man in your class, no matter what happens, no matter the challenges, the setbacks, the hurdles, the troubles, the lonely nights, the pains, the tears, the struggles, by doing what it takes everyday. Consistency simply means the ability to do all it takes no matter what it takes everyday.

They Know how to Balance Life and Work

They Control their Cravings and Urges


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