Okuama Community vs Nigerian Soldiers: Please Consider the Innocents

It is no longer news that sixteen able bodied, gallant soldiers of the Nigerian Army were ambushed and killed by some unknown assailants in Okuama Community in Ughelli South LGA of Delta State. Their deaths have become a trending topic on social media. Based on what we know to be true, the Nigerian Army cannot let the issue bypass just like that. Though it's a good thing for soldiers to respond quickly when threatened so that the next common enemy will think twice before double crossing gallant soldiers. Ambushing soldiers on a mission is a call for war and I sincerely know that the soldiers will not take it likely.
But their are systematic way of doing things, matured ways of handling issues. That is why we have strategists and I believe their are strategists in the army. When we hear of the Whites way of handling diplomatic issues, it sounds dynamic. Too many lives have been lost already, much blood spilled on the ground, when will it end? 

     I believe as I brave that the way the soldiers are handling this issue is non democratic. Burning houses and killing innocent people in a bid to avenge their dead is what I call undemocratic way of handling diplomatic issues. The perpetrators of this wicked and dastardly acts are at large and now the innocent ones are suffering for a crime they know nothing about. Why not track the killers of the troops on a mission, instead the soldiers are burning houses and killing innocent people. 

Go to the North, their is no peace there. It is from banditry to terrorism to kidnapping to herders-farmers clash, abductions and bombings and so on and so forth. Too many lives have been lost and a lot of people are held captive so why killing innocent people. You can't resolve grave issues by digging more graves. 
President Tinubu ordered for the execution of those hoodlums, I am not so sure he said kill everyone in the community and burn their houses including those their hands are clean. The military should learn from the Whites how to solve grave issues democratically without endangering innocent lives.

    The Service Chiefs should have deployed grassroot research from the onset inorder to fetch out these killers even those at large. They shouldn't destroy those they were meant to protect. Please Mr President or whoever is in charge of this case, I imploy you to apply wisdom in matters concerning lives. Human lives are still very much precious and shouldn't be wasted anyhow. 
Those involved in the killing of those soldiers should be tracked and dealt with. Sadly, the Nigerian military has a bad history of killing those they are meant to protect. If they apply this same energy towards bandits, kidnappers and Boko Haram, I tell you Nigeria will be the most peaceful Nation on planet earth.
Please consider the Innocents. It doesn't mean they shouldn't do what they are supposed to do but it means they should apply caution so that they do not harm those whose hands are clean, those who know nothing about the tragic occurrence. The Nigerian military should deploy systematic and intelligent way of dealing with this crisis. They should stop burning people's houses, they should stop killing innocent people with immediate effect.
I rest my case.

         Please consider the innocents 


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