The Writer's Resolution

Last year was very tough for me, I passed through a lot, made a lot of mistakes, I didn't learn from my past experiences, change looked impossible to me, it was like I wasn't going anywhere, like I was stuck in a maze, put in a circle by my own laziness and negative thoughts and truth be told, I achieved nothing. I decided that this year will not be the same, I'd rather die than live an inferior life.

     Lo and behold, 2024 surfaced, I said to my young self; it is now or never. Enough of the procrastinations, the laziness, the doubts, the negativity, if I was sure that I truly wanted to become a great writer, it is now or never. I made my resolutions, I carved out my plans, I wrote down my goals, I was ready to go the length, to climb the hills, I was ready to make sacrifices and willing to go the extra mile.
Though there are some progress, some changes, but I've not gotten to where I want to be, it's a process, Rome wasn't built in a day.

     To be a successful writer requires a tremendous amount of effort, hardwork, determination and discipline. To make progress, the writer must be resolute and firm on his quest to become influential and an inspiration to many. We are in the third month of the year, so many writers made decisions on how to move forward. They wrote their new year's resolution. Though some might still be on track, many have already fallen out of the race. They have their reasons, maybe things are not working the way they planned them, maybe they no longer feel motivated, maybe they've lost focus, maybe they are not that determined, they are not that hungry, maybe some fell sick, maybe they are not getting the desired results, but whatever the reasons remember that it is your attitude and actions towards your goals that will determine how far you will go in life.

     The biography of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States is enough to fully motivate you into action. Read it. 
Make it a habit to always do what you say and to practice what you preach. To move onto the next level, to reach that stage you would trade anything for, performing and working towards your goals and resolutions must be your number one priority.
I know it is in your plans to become a better person, a source of inspiration to others and a helping hand to the less privileged and the down trodden. And I tell you of a truth, You Can. I pour out my purest soul to you, you will conquer if you don't give up now. Be resolute in your decision to make it in life.

     A resolution is simply a promise to yourself to get something done, ideally along with a plan to make it happen. A resolution can be a goal that you set informally and keep private, or you can share your goals and plans with other people. As a writer, I am only as good as my self discipline. Over the years I've learned that without daily habits, I might as well call it quits. As a writer, your job is to share your truth not worry about the outcome of your work. The first goal of a writer is to sit down and do the work no matter how scary or hard it may be. When you do this, you almost always create something better and more honest than worrying about what people will think. Don't be so pointed on results if not you become disappointed. So write what moves you and leave the results for the readers.

     No matter what, regardless of what is at stake, we must create something that is true both to us and to the world. Write even when you don't feel like and don't take yourself so seriously. Read more. Stephen King said if you don't have time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.
If your resolution is to finish a novel break it down into smaller goals. 

I make a resolution to write more every year. However, I'm rarely able to keep my resolution much past the second week of January. But this year I've decided that I'm going to give it all it takes, am not falling behind again, I'm now willing to make sacrifices, to pay the price and to go the extra mile even if it means staying awake all night. 
I know I'm not alone on this quest for improvement, so if you're up with me, get up, raise your hands, your chest out and let's make our dreams a reality.


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