The Writer's Struggle

Oh!!! Who would lend us a hand? The writer's journey ain't an easy path to endeavor. They said; it is the path that leads to greatness, is it? Obsessed with likes, claps, response, replies, followers, the writer spends the day studying. Worried about moving onto the next phase, the author spends his night writing. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. I'd rather spend the night writing than live a life of conformity.

Writing can be a challenging process and it's not uncommon for writers to struggle with it. However, the degree of struggle varies from person to person, and it can also depend on the type of writing they're doing. For some writers, writing comes naturally and they may not struggle as much with the process. For some, writing is a very laborious task because there are so many subcomponents which need to be pulled together. For others, the reason lies in some processing difficulties such as dyslexia. It may also be referred to as reading disability, reading difference or reading disorder.
We have our frustrations and Achilles heels, little things that trip us up and hold us back from doing the work. We all battle the blank page, get stuck in creative ruts, and fall out of love with the craft. This is normal, this fact of struggle is what makes us human.

     There are days we don't feel like going on, days we come back from our normal 9-5 jobs and writing becomes a tedious task. But sincerely speaking, it's not easy coming back from our day to day struggle and still pick up a pen and paper just to jot something down, it takes a tremendous amount of self discipline.
If you look at the big picture, you would easily grab that the best of the best of writers, the professionals, the masters of the craft are those who do not let side distractions, over hustling, day-to-day struggle, even family problems and over responsibility to side track them from their goal of becoming super authors.
These top 1% of writers are willing to do anything to publish their books. They are willing to go any length just to have their names carved on the rock stone of Great Writers. Through trials and triumphs indeed you will see the writer you were meant to be.

     Sometimes I stare at the blank page, a pen in hand, wondering what to write, where to start, how to start, doubts in mind, will I be able to carve out the next story? Will I be able to fill in with words the titled article on my radar? Will I be able to drive 1500 words like a wheel into my blank notebook? So many questions to ask, so many puzzles to solve, so many mountains to climb, so many rivers to swim, too many bridges to cross, the writer strives, moves with calculated steps, a pace to tread, in all, the resolute writer conquers. The one who refused to quit, to give up the struggle, it ain't easy being a writer.
It's not easy to cobble words together to form a sentence that has never been formed. Creativity. We've survived too many storms to be bothered by rain drops. Keep on writing struggling writer for the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

     There are days we fill fully motivated, ideas pour like rain in our brain, days we drive words like magic, warm sensations running through our spines, we produce the most perfect books of our life. I call them the smooth days but like we all know, you cannot become successful writing only in the days we feel like, the days you feel motivated, you also have to be able to carve out words no matter how little even in the rough sailing days. When the waves and winds blow against us. When the currents are so high that your brain blinks empty. When the torrential rain pours so hard like in a near death experience. If you can be able to overcome these days, a time will come when motivation will be your daily friend, when ideas would be your habitual buddy.

Kudos to the writer who doesn't give up just because he didn't feel motivated. Kudos to those writers that keep on keeping on inspite of the droughts. And I salute those authors who stay awake all night just to create words that will be an inspiration to many. So many writers don't know what their books and articles have done for thousands of people out there. Some of our books do inspire change in people. Most of our articles spark motivation into those that have given up on their quest for a successful life.
Elon Musk once said that reading a lot of books made him who he is, that shows to tell you that our works, books, articles, stories and quotes have impacted and changed so many souls out there. 

      Do not give up now young writer, maybe there's no one to motivate you but let me tell you the most influential writers are those who motivate themselves into believing that they can do it.
Keep on keeping on young writer, it ain't easy being who we are, but for sure, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.


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