What Do The Smartest People Do in their Free Time

 Come to think of it, but seriously I've really pondered and wondered what sets us apart from the 1% of people who have made the top their abode. These minority of people keep growing higher and higher and higher while the majority of the world continues living in shambles. These first class students keeps on enlarging in knowledge, strength and wealth while 90% of homosapiens continues sinking like Titanic.
     What is their secret? What is it about them? What is it that they do that we don't? Why do they keep climbing up and up and up while most fall and remain stagnant for life. Most don't even grow at all talk more of falling. What is it about these smart men and women, the minority 1%?

     Sometimes I sit and ponder and I wonder how these men with high IQ solve most of the world's problems. How do they come about these solutions, where do they get them from? Where did they get these high IQs from? How did they become geniuses?
The smartest people on earth live by principles and codes that govern them all through their lives. The most principled men even in their free time hardly waste their time on chitchatting and frivolities. They are disciplined to the core and that's why they succeed.

They Read
For  every man out there who wants to succeed, reading is essential. Reading is pivotal for success. These great and successful men have made reading their hobby, making them read even in their leisure time. Warren Buffett reads 500-1000 pages a day. Bill Gates reads 52 books a year. "I became successful because I read books" said Elon Musk. What most people don't know is that books contains words of wisdom and knowledge that can spark great ideas out of your brain which will of course trigger a cause of action that can lead to great success and wealth. Read. And in thine reading, read Great Books. 
In our free time we waste time joking, playing video games, gossiping, chitchatting, watching movies etc, while those at the top engage in meaningful activities even in their free time why won't they succeed. Leaders are readers. Make reading your daily habit. Harvard study found that top performing CEOs and most Billionaires read more books than the average man. "What I know for sure is that reading opens you up, it exposes you and gives you access to anything your mind can hold. What I love most about reading-it gives you the ability to reach higher ground " ( Oprah Winfrey).
If you're a leader and not an avid reader you're wrong.

They Meditate
Emphasis on meditation proves that meditation is equivalent to mindfulness. Are you in distress or depressed, just meditate. Close your eyes and focus on one thing for five minutes and see wonders happen. It worked for me why won't it work for you. Successful people have made meditation their habitual routine because of it's actual results. While meditating your mind relaxes and your muscles suppress your depression, distress, broken heart, etc.
In their free time, instead of joking around or playing video games or watching movies or chitchatting, the top 1% individuals meditate. Successful men and women meditate in their free time. From clearing your mind to focusing better, boosting productivity and finding stillness in a busy schedule to avoid burnout, there are plenty of reasons why highly successful people meditate. There are more and more types of meditation practices as meditation becomes more mainstream.
Meditation is a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can help you relax deeply and calm your mind. During meditation you focus on one thing. You get rid of thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. 
Meditation helps you improve clarity and concentration under pressure. Stress and pressure can lead to poor leadership, unnecessary risk taking, lapses in ethics financial crises and disregard for colleagues. Meditation/mindfulness can help you make better decisions. 
"Meditation for me has nothing to do with mysticism, it's about taking a few minutes out of my day, learning how to pay attention to the thoughts in my head and gaining a little bit of distance from them" (Bill Gates).

They Exercise
The most successful people know that exercise is the key to mentally and physically pushing themselves further. Numerous studies have found exercise to be one of the most important habits you can develop to transform your life. Successful people make out time to improve themselves and not just run their empires.
In their free time free time successful people devote at least 30 minutes of their time exercising per day. British business magnate Richard Branson writes on his blog for example that he likes to get up around 5am and do some exercise. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple also mentioned a very early wake up time and morning exercise as an important part of his day.
Many successful entrepreneurs and executives understands that regular exercise contributes to overall wellbeing and improved performance. Physical fitness is critical for career success at the executive level and being overweight is a serious career impediment. These great men and women understand that staying in shape not only contributes to their overall wellbeing but also enhances their productivity and success in their businesses.

They Sleep
Just like American Author Dr Travis Bradberry said "You can't make more minutes in the day, but you can increase your energy to increase your attention, focus and productivity". 
Highly successful people don't skip meals, sleep or breaks in the pursuit of more more more instead, they view food as fuel, sleep as recovery, and breaks as opportunities to recharge in order to get even more done. 
Sleep is a state of reduced mental and physical activity in which consciousness is altered and certain sensory activity is inhibited. During sleep, there is a marked decrease in muscle activity and interactions with the surrounding environment. Sleep is to every process in the body, affecting our physical and mental functioning, our ability to fight disease and develop immunity; and our metabolism and chronic disease risk.
Highly successful people rest/sleep in their free time because they know that sleep reduces stress and improves your mood. It also helps them to think more clearly and do better at work. They understand that brains need rest too. They've learned that for them to operate at peak state during work hours, they need to make sure they rest and recharge during their leisure time. Designate device free evenings or weekends to allow your brain to fully switch off from work mode.


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