Will I Still Make It

Like I'll always say "it's not easy being who we are". It's not easy starting from nothing and working to reach the top. Grappling with over responsibility, depression and pressure, I will push through no matter what.
Who would have believed that that little Grant of yesterday would wake up one day, carry his bag and on his way to an unknown Town. The problem is not even with the journey and I know I have not reached my destination or my wits end, but the problem is with my impatience that cost me a lot of opportunities laid out to me from the Being and Spirits that be for my unconquerable soul.
How I wish and had I known will now come in at last.

     Beyond my quiet and calm spirit. Beyond the excesses of my quiet life. Beyond the impunity of my soul lies regrets, pains, sorrows, tears, loneliness, fear, bitterness, confusion, anger, hatred, suicide, mistakes and failure. Beyond my fearless and formidable soul I ask myself unafraid and unapologetically Will I still make it?

     To reach the top is not a child's play. Lots of prices have to be paid including the sacrifices that are bound to be made. Kudos to us who came from poor homes and are struggling, hustling and putting in real work everyday in order to change our stories.
Will I still make it, instead of being bothered, you should congratulate yourself when you start asking this kind of question, very soon you may even be asking other questions like who am I? Why are my here?
It's a clear sign that you are dissatisfied with the current phase of your life, you are longing to move on to the next higher phase. Your being is no more satisfied with just listening to your conditioned mind. Perhaps the deepest reason why you don't see yourself making it, why you doubt yourself is because you are not truly aware of who you are.

     I still remember when my Spiritual Teacher told me that my problem was that I wasn't aware of who I am. He said "it is just that you don't know who you are, if you know who you are, the things you do you wouldn't do them, you won't even bother yourself about anything". Till today am still wondering "who am I?
Never doubt yourself by asking yourself questions that are presumed negative. Negativity breeds negativity. When you always think negative, doubts and worry will creep into your life depriving you of every joy you are supposed to experience. 

Erase the "what ifs" from your thoughts and your subconscious will adapt to positive living. 
What if I don't make it, what if I don't get the job done, what if they don't employ me, what if I fail, etc. Instead of thinking negatively, you can speak positive vibes into your life and see the universe work wonders for your sake. 
Just believe that you will make it, believe you will succeed, believe in your powers, believe in your God given talents, gifts, believe in your destiny. Erase negative thoughts from your mind and see how far you will go in life.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.


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