"You want to be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling". 

      I wonder why people fall down and cry instead of girding their loins and standing back on their feet. Instead of falling and crying when pushed down by life's harsh challenges, stand up and fight back. Hmmm. Talking like it's easy. Don't mind me. Truly, there are volcanoes of problems that will hit you and believe me no matter how strong or tough you are, you will definitely find it hard to get back up. Life is too harsh for most of us, damn that nigga(life) doesn't care. 
      When Thomas Carlyle wrote the French Revolution, he faced a stiff challenge, a test so difficult that if not for external motivation he wouldn't have gotten back up on his feet to rewrite that Great Historic Masterpiece. His story proved to me that if you really want to succeed, the universe is there to back you up. The universe, your Guardian Angels and ultimately God will provide you with the necessary resources, skills and motivational equipments you will need on your journey to a successful life. Even God knows that the road to success is always under construction. Success is not just a lonely tough road but a dark one. A tough lonely and dark road that you and only you alone will embark on. No wonder successful people are just but few. No wonder the sky is so large but empty. No wonder Airplanes are few in the sky. No wonder there are no roadblocks, hold-ups, and traffic jams once you reach the sky. The top is scanty because the people up there are few. 

      To reach the top you have to kill the victim mentality. Why me? Self pity isn't the key. You can't reach the top if you continue blaming yourself for everything, if you are always sorry for yourself, if you always victimize yourself. Self pity isn't the key to success. Self pity will never lead you to the top. Don't be sorry for yourself, don't blame yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, don't be mad at yourself. If things aren't working as planned I urge you to always stay positive. Don't complain. 
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses 🌹🌹". It all depends on your mentality. Kill that victim mentality because self pity will take you nowhere. 
Have you ever seen a successful man with a victim mentality? No. 
Words like; Why always me? Things don't always work out for me. I was just about going to the market and the rain started falling, why does God hate me this much? I never got promoted at work because our Director hates me. Why me? My parents are not rich that's why I couldn't go to school. How do you expect me to succeed, am a Black man and the Whites hate us. He got employed at the oil company because his Dad has connections. I don't have anyone to help me. Have you ever seen anyone succeed with this type of mentality? The answer is a capital NO. To succeed you have to believe you can no matter your race, religion, country or continent. No matter the challenges you encounter. You can learn from your setbacks. Do not let life's harsh tantrums hold you down. Do not let your background pin your back to the ground. 

       Self pity is the reason behind our victim mentality in the sense that when we experience self pity, we often feel like the victims of what life throws at us. People with these mentality feel that bad things happen to them no matter what they do.
Self pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world. 
It is destructive to dwell on negative events and carry that bitterness and resentment forward. When we keep our focus on the hurt, we aren't focused on taking control of our lives. If we blame negative circumstances for our place in life, we are giving up responsibility and control. 
Self pity is not a healthy type of sadness. People who self pity often exaggerate their misfortunes and feel hopeless like life never lets them catch a break. Usually someone who self pities is absorbed into their misfortunes that they eventually become pessimistic. 
Self pity at its core is selfish. It seeks it's own fulfillment without the inclusion of others. Yet, ironically, someone exhibiting self pity does not mind other people feeding into their disease utilizing the self pity. The combination of negative thinking and inactivity fuels further feelings of self pity. 
Mentally strong people recognize when they're at risk of becoming caught in this downward spiral and they take action to prevent themselves from living a pitiful life. Our emotional state influences how we perceive reality. Stop being preoccupied with your own troubles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Engage in self care activities. Self care can be a significant part of breaking the cycle of self pity. Ensure you take care of your physical and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that brings you joy and relaxation. These could include exercise, meditation, and spending time with family and friends. And always remember "self pity isn't the key, infact it is our worst enemy and if we yield to it we can never do anything wise in the world" 


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