
Showing posts from May, 2023


When the cloud changes it's formation and the sun makes way for the moon. When the night comes and all species return to their base. When the moon shines it's brightest and the stars blink their light. When darkness engulfs the universe and the beast of the earth begin their mission. When silence ravages the earth and sends shivers to the spines of men. From dusk to dawn the world has always been and will remain still for the time being.


"When beggars die,there are no comets seen; even the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of Princes"(William Shakespeare).      In 1914,a massive fire raged through inventor Thomas Edison's lab complex in downtown West Orange,New Jersey. Chemical fueled flames shot 100 feet in the sky, burning five city blocks and destroying almost his entire operation. Though most of his works were totally burnt,he responded in a way that showed total control over his emotions. He told his 24year old son "go get your mother and all her friends,they'll never see a fire like this again ". When Charles objected, Edison said "it's alright we just got rid of a lot of rubbish". Later, at the scene of the blaze, Edison was quoted in the New York times as saying "although I am 67years old, I'll start all over again tomorrow". He told the reporter that he was exhausted from remaining at the scene until the chaos was under control but he stuck to his


"When pain brings you down, don't be silly,don't close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the position to see the sunshine"(Alanis Morissette).      "Sometimes when I'm alone I cry cause I am on my own,the tears I cry are bitter and warm,they flow with life but take no form,I cry because my heart is torn, I find it difficult to carry on,if I had an ear to confiding I would cry among my treasured friend but who do you know that stops that long,to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by than to stop and see what makes one cry,so painful and sad and sometimes I cry and no one cares to know why"(Tupac Shakur).      Dreams realized through shear hardwork comforts the soul even when not satisfactory. Be contented. The soul seeks for glory because man was created to excel. Goals pursued with all honesty and sincerity even when not actualized is far better than a shortcut that will in the end lead to doom. Don'


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" (Edmund Burke)      That's one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me that it's not enough to have lofty ideas, ideals and beliefs, it's not enough to wish for a better and prosperous life and you shouldn't even wish that life should be easier or loftier, you sometimes have to actually get off the couch and defend those lofty wishes,ideas and beliefs of yours. The world have collapsed,call it sin,call it evil,they all connote the same meaning. Men of different caliber both good and bad have passed through this existence. Though some tried,no one can truly exonerate evil from this world. But for evil to subside good men must fight.      Every reward has a price. The price of greatness is sacrifice. It's almost certain "the good die young" why, because they have reluctantly refused to fight evil therefore,the triumph of evil is inevitable. Good men rise and fall l


   ( Believe you can and you are halfway there) Theodore Roosevelt.      Yeah. What a fucked life. I wake up in the morning and I ask myself "this day what am I gonna achieve? Is life worth living should I blast myself. Trailing behind in almost everything a little forward then drawing backwards. What are my still living for? Nothing works out well for me. No no no don't tell me that because I am cursed,all my efforts are in vain or can't you see. Stephen just bought a car and Sandra just got married. Oh oh lest I forget what of Mary,she just realized her dream job and here I am still struggling, surviving through my nose and feeding through the skin of my teeth. Who did I offend? These are words spoken by men who have achieved little to nothing in their entire lives. Men who have lost their purpose in life. They've lost focus. I know that feeling, the feeling of nothingness. Who am I? I've once been there and I understand. Intimidated and bullied by m


   (The trust of the innocent is the liars most useful tool)           Betrayal is good,it makes you wake from your slumber believing you can achieve whatever goal you set for yourself, by yourself. But the bad side is,it turns your heart cold.          Pain is good,it makes you stand on your feet believing you can survive any damn bend that life sends your way. The bad side is, you would find it difficult to smile again.          Heartbreak is good,it makes you realize that this life is not always a bed of roses. All that glitters are not gold. Sleeping through your tears you would never allow yourself be used again. The bad side is,you will find it difficult trusting someone again. Not trusting too much is also good but the truth is it turns your heart cold and when your life turns cold you become lonely.        Most times what life throws at us are things we never anticipated. Do not trust too much for people wake up with different feelings everyday. A friend today might